Cat Names Starting with Y |
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cat names that start with Y |
- Yabba-Dabba-Doo
2 - Yacatecuhtli (Aztec mythology: the god of merchant adventurers)
3 - Yakov (Hebrew form of the name "Jacob")
4 - Yago
5 - Yahoo
6 - Yak
7 - Yaki Mondu
8 - Yala
9 - Yam
10 - Yamasee
11 - Yancy
12 - Yanet
13 - Yang
14 - Yankee
15 - Yar
16 - Yardley
17 - Yasha
18 - Yashi (short for Kobiyashi Maru, Starfleet academy test
that Kirk "beat")
19 - Yashie
20 - Yasmine
21 - Yawney
22 - Yaxche (Maya mythology: the tree of heaven under which
good souls rejoice)
23 - Yaya
24 - Yeager
25 - Yedi
26 - Yeep
27 - Yeller Yang
28 - Yellow
29 - Yellow Man
30 - Yellow Mellow
31 - Yeltsin
32 - Yemma
33 - Yemma-Lee
34 - Yenta
35 - Yenta Banana
36 - Yentyl
37 - Yeow
38 - Yes
39 - Yessir
40 - Yessirree
41 - Yeti
42 - Yicks
43 - Yicky Sticky Chicky
44 - Yin
45 - Yin Mae (beautiful female)
46 - Yin-Yang
47 - Ying
48 - Yip
49 - Yipes Stripes
50 - Yippee
51 - Yitzak
52 - Ymie
53 - Ymilie
54 - Yo Yo
55 - Yo-Yo
56 - Yoda
57 - Yodel
58 - Yodelaheehoo
59 - Yodeller
60 - Yodi
61 - Yodler
62 - Yogi
63 - Yogi Bear
64 - Yogso'Thoth
65 - Yogurt
66 - Yoko
67 - Yoko Fudgeface
68 - Yoko Oh No!
69 - Yoko Ono
70 - Yolanda
71 - Yommie T. Bear
72 - Yonori
73 - Yoomper
74 - Yoppie
75 - Yorcat
76 - Yorgy
77 - York
78 - Yosemite
79 - Yosemite Sam
80 - Yoshi
81 - Yosie
82 - You
83 - You Go
84 - You Rotten Feline!
85 - You Too
86 - Young Fella
87 - Young Yeller
88 - Your Cat
89 - Your Highness
90 - Your Hugeness
91 - Your Immensity
92 - Yours
93 - Yours, Mine and Ours
94 - Youser
95 - Yow-sers
96 - Yowler
97 - Yoyo
98 - Ysidro
99 - Yue
100 - Yugo
101 - Yuki
102 - Yukon
103 - Yukon Cronilius
104 - Yul
105 - Yule
106 - Yum Kaax (Maya mythology: the maize god)
107 - Yuma
108 - Yumi
109 - Yumiee
110 - Yummy
111 - Yumyum
112 - Yuppie Cat
113 - Yuppy
114 - Yuri (Japanese for "Lily")
115 - Yuri (Russian name "Yuri Gagarin")
116 - Yushamishi |