Cat Names Starting with N |
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cat names that start with N |
- N.N.Y. ("No Name Yet")
2 - Nabbenna
3 - Nabie
4 - Nabis
5 - Nacho
6 - Nachos
7 - Nacon (Maya mythology: the god of war)
8 - Nadena
9 - Nadezhda
10 - Nadia
11 - Nadia Komenech
12 - Nadine (from the Chuck Berry song)
13 - Nag
14 - Nairobi
15 - Naive
16 - Naji (Arabic for "the one who is saved")
17 - Nakamichi
18 - Nakia
19 - Nakieta
20 - Nala
21 - Nala (African for "love", after the character
in the Lion King movies)
22 - Nala (from The Lion King)
23 - Nalii
24 - Nalle
25 - Nallie
26 - Namu
27 - Nana
28 - Nanaki
29 - Nancy
30 - Nancy Drew
31 - Nancy Reagan
32 - Nandita
33 - Nando
34 - Nani (Hawaiin for "beautiful")
35 - Nanki Poo
36 - Nanki-Poo
37 - Nanny
38 - Nanuq (Inuit for 'polar bear')
39 - Naomi
40 - Napa
41 - Napalm
42 - Napoleon
43 - Napoleon Bonapaws
44 - Napoleon Solo
45 - Napoli
46 - Nappers
47 - Nappy
48 - Napster
49 - Napy
50 - Naranja (Spanish for "orange")
51 - Narisah (Goddess of Light)
52 - Narkis
53 - Narnia
54 - Nary
55 - Nashella
56 - Nashville Cat
57 - Nasreddin (character in Turkish folktales)
58 - Nastasi
59 - Nasty
60 - Nasty Boy
61 - Nat
62 - Nat Brat
63 - Nat Brat Cat
64 - Natalia
65 - Natalie
66 - Natasha
67 - Nate
68 - Nathan
69 - Nathan Willy-Ogleby
70 - Natia
71 - Naum
72 - Navajo
73 - Navar
74 - Navarre
75 - Navarro
76 - Navigator
77 - Nayjay
78 - Nayla
79 - Nazar
80 - Nazgar
81 - Neapolis
82 - Near Miss
83 - Nebbu
84 - Nebu
85 - Nebuchadnezzar
86 - Nebula
87 - Nebushaa
88 - Neco
89 - Necro
90 - Ned
91 - Neddy Edward
92 - Neek
93 - Neela
94 - Neelah
95 - Neemski Pooski Rimsky Korsakov
96 - Neener the little weiner
97 - Neezzuu
98 - Nefarian
99 - Nefer
100 - Neferkitty
101 - Nefertiti (Egyptian Queen)
102 - Neffer
103 - Negro
104 - Negus
105 - Neige (French for "snow")
106 - Neko (Japanese for 'cat')
107 - Neko-Chan
108 - Nelda
109 - Nelia
110 - Nell
111 - Nellie
112 - Nellinda Taelo ("Guardian Warrior")
113 - Nelly
114 - Nels
115 - Nelson
116 - Nelson John LaPurr
117 - Nelson Mingdella
118 - Neltarr
119 - Nemesis
120 - Nemko
121 - Nemo
122 - Nemu
123 - Nena
124 - NeNe
125 - Neo (from The Matrix movies)
126 - Neo Mia Cara (Latin for "My new friend")
127 - Neon
128 - Neopolatin
129 - Nepenthe (1. A drug mentioned in the Odyssey as a remedy
for grief. 2. Something that induces forgetfulness of sorrow
or eases pain.)
130 - Nephthys (Egyptian goddess)
131 - Neptune
132 - Nera
133 - Nerble
134 - Nerdy
135 - Nerf
136 - Nerida (Aboriginal for "red water lily")
137 - Nermal
138 - Nero
139 - Nerolo
140 - Nervey
141 - Nesbit
142 - Nespi
143 - Ness
144 - Nessu
145 - Nessus (character in sf novel by Larry Niven, "Ringworld")
146 - Nessy
147 - Nester
148 - Nestle
149 - Nestlee
150 - Nestles Chocolate Bit
151 - Nestor
152 - Nestor Le Freep
153 - Nether
154 - Netherworld
155 - Netscape
156 - Nettie
157 - Nettle
158 - Neuro
159 - Neusance
160 - Neuteronomy
161 - Neutrino
162 - Neutron
163 - Neutron Star
164 - Nevermore
165 - Neville
166 - Nevvy
167 - New Cat
168 - New Kitty
169 - New York
170 - Newark
171 - Newie
172 - Newman
173 - Newport
174 - Newsprint
175 - Newt
176 - Newtie
177 - Newton
178 - NezPas
179 - Ngaio (after New Zealand mystery writer Ngaio Marsh)
180 - Ngongee Nguhn
181 - Niabi
182 - Niagra Falls
183 - Niagra Falls Down
184 - Niah
185 - Niarobi
186 - Nibbles
187 - Nibs
188 - Nicademus
189 - Nice Guy
190 - Nicedemos
191 - Nicholas
192 - Nicias
193 - Nick
194 - Nick-the-Cat
195 - Nickedemus
196 - Nickel
197 - Nickerson
198 - Nicki
199 - Nicki-Baby
200 - Nickleby
201 - Nickles
202 - Nicky
203 - Nicky Jean
204 - Nicky Legs
205 - Nico
206 - Nicodemus
207 - Nicolas Fosbury
208 - Nicole
209 - Nicolette
210 - Nicolodeon
211 - Nicorette
212 - Nie-Ma-Imie (Polish for "has no name")
213 - Nielsen (after Rick Nielsen, the Cheap Trick guitarist)
214 - Nietzsche
215 - Niffer
216 - Nifty
217 - Nigbee
218 - Nigel
219 - Night
220 - Nightcrawler
221 - Nightcrouler
222 - Nightmare
223 - Nightshade
224 - Nightshadow
225 - Nigra (Latin for "Black")
226 - Nigthmare
227 - Nihn
228 - Nijinsky
229 - Nik Nak Paddy Wak
230 - Nika
231 - Nikademus
232 - Nike
233 - Nike Air
234 - Niki
235 - Nikia
236 - Nikita
237 - Nikki
238 - Nikki Kitty
239 - Nikkita
240 - Nikko
241 - Nikkoa ("Dark of the Moon")
242 - Niko
243 - Nikolai
244 - Nikolaus
245 - Nikolina
246 - Nikta (Greek word for "night")
247 - Niky
248 - Niles
249 - Nilla
250 - Nilla-bean
251 - Nilla-nilla-nilla
252 - Niller
253 - Nils (After "Nils Master", brand of fishing
254 - Nilson
255 - Nimaway
256 - Nimbus
257 - Nimitz
258 - Nimmao
259 - Nimo
260 - Nimoosh (Native American for "dog")
261 - Nina
262 - Ninetynine (Maxwell Smart and Agent)
263 - Ningeluu Mallaguuga
264 - Nini
265 - Ninja
266 - Ninja Racoon
267 - Ninky
268 - Ninny
269 - Nintendo
270 - Nin~O
271 - Nin~O-Cat
272 - Nin~O-Nin~O-Nin~O
273 - Nin~O-Nuts
274 - Niobie
275 - Nipford
276 - Nipper
277 - Nippers
278 - Nipple Fritz Demon
279 - Nipto
280 - Nirvana
281 - Nisha (Hindu for "night")
282 - Nishka
283 - Nissan
284 - Nisse
285 - Nistka
286 - Nit
287 - Nite
288 - Nitecrawler
289 - Nitnoi JaiJai
290 - Nitny
291 - Nitro
292 - Nitro Glitter
293 - Nitrogen
294 - Nittany
295 - Nixdorf
296 - Njord (Viking mythology: the god of wind and sea)
297 - Nkechi (meaning "loyal")
298 - No
299 - No Kiss
300 - No Name
301 - No Pain
302 - No!
303 - No-No Bad Cat
304 - No.1 Suncat
305 - Noah
306 - Nobu
307 - Noby
308 - Nocturnal Kitty
309 - Nocturne
310 - Nod
311 - Noddy
312 - Noel
313 - Noelle
314 - Noey
315 - Nog
316 - Noi
317 - Noire
318 - Noise Pollution
319 - Noisemaker
320 - Noisette
321 - Noisy
322 - Noisy Kitty
323 - Noisy Noodle Nuisance
324 - Nokky
325 - Nola
326 - Nomad
327 - Nona
328 - Noni
329 - Nonna
330 - Nonsense
331 - Noodge
332 - Noodle
333 - Noodle Bug
334 - Noodlehead
335 - Noodles
336 - Noodnick the Puissant
337 - Noogie
338 - Noogies
339 - Nook
340 - Noomster
341 - Noonie
342 - Nopurr
343 - Nora
344 - Norbert
345 - Norgay
346 - Nori
347 - Noriko
348 - Norka (Russian for "Mink")
349 - Norma
350 - Normajean
351 - Norman
352 - Norman Stanley Fletcher (from Porridge)
353 - Norman Tinkle Tinkle
354 - Normania
355 - Normie
356 - Norris
357 - Northrup
358 - Norton
359 - Nose
360 - Nosebud
361 - Nosekins
362 - Nosey
363 - Nosferatu
364 - Noster
365 - Nostradamus
366 - Nosy Rosy
367 - Notebook
368 - Notso Bright
369 - Nova
370 - Novella
371 - Novi
372 - Nox (latin for "night")
373 - Nsync
374 - Nubbins
375 - Nubby
376 - Nudge
377 - Nudger
378 - Nuebby
379 - Nuget
380 - Nugget
381 - Nugget (as in Chicken)
382 - Nuggettes
383 - Nuggie
384 - Nuisance
385 - Nula
386 - Null
387 - Numa Numa
388 - Numb Nuts
389 - Number 1
390 - Number 1 Champion Sparkplug (Sparky)
391 - Nummy Muffin Coocoo Butter
392 - Numnod
393 - Nuna
394 - Nunkie
395 - Nuno
396 - Nuppi (Finnish for "Button")
397 - Nuria
398 - Nut-Nut
399 - Nuthonda
400 - Nutmeg
401 - Nutnaree
402 - Nutsy
403 - Nyan-Nyan
404 - Nyla
405 - Nyles
406 - Nymph
407 - Nymphadora (after the Nymphadora Tonks character in
Harry Potter)
408 - Nyssa
409 - Nystan (Swedish for "yarn ball")
410 - Nytrogen
411 - Nyx (Greek goddess of night) |