Cat Names Starting with L |
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cat names that start with L |
- L.A.
2 - L.B.
3 - L.C. (Little Cat)
4 - L.D.
5 - L.D.A. (Little Dumb Ass)
6 - L.S.
7 - Laana
8 - LaBelle (French for "the beautiful")
9 - Labu
10 - Labyrinth
11 - Lace
12 - Lacey
13 - Lacy
14 - Lad
15 - Lada
16 - Ladd
17 - Ladron
18 - Lady
19 - Lady Abigail
20 - Lady Blue
21 - Lady Cameo
22 - Lady Di
23 - Lady Francesca
24 - Lady Gabriella
25 - Lady Godiva
26 - Lady Guinevere
27 - Lady Heidel von Squitenbaum of Berryburg
28 - Lady Jane
29 - Lady Jane Grey
30 - Lady Kitty Lee
31 - Lady Lee
32 - Lady Leela
33 - Lady Luck
34 - Lady Luv
35 - Lady Nicole
36 - Lady Peaches
37 - Lady Puff
38 - Lady Sarah
39 - Lady Serena of Redrock
40 - Lady Teazle
41 - Lady Tiffiny in White
42 - Lady Wesley Star
43 - Ladybug
44 - Laela
45 - Laelani
46 - Laertes (from Shakespeare's "Hamlet")
47 - Lafeyette
48 - Lagerlof
49 - Lagniappe
50 - Lai Tai
51 - Laila
52 - Lailea
53 - Lainy
54 - Laker
55 - Lala
56 - Lalli
57 - Lalo
58 - Lamaline (small village in Newfoundland)
59 - Lamar
60 - Lambchop
61 - Lambert
62 - Lambie
63 - Lambie Par-Toodles
64 - Lambie Pie Tart
65 - Lambolina
66 - Lamborghini
67 - Lamintations
68 - Lamisil
69 - Lamisila
70 - Lamont
71 - Lamourghini
72 - Lana
73 - Lana McCheese
74 - Lanada
75 - Lance
76 - Lancelot
77 - Land
78 - Land Seal
79 - Lander-man
80 - Lando Calrission (after the "Star Wars" character)
81 - Lane
82 - Langley
83 - Langston
84 - Lani
85 - Lap Cat
86 - Lap Kitty
87 - Lap Lover
88 - Lap Magnet
89 - Lap Slut
90 - Lap Top
91 - Lapis
92 - Lapleach
93 - Laplover
94 - Lappie
95 - Lapsang Souchong
96 - Laptop
97 - Lara
98 - Laraza
99 - Lard Butt
100 - Lardass
101 - Larisa
102 - Larissa
103 - Lark Hill
104 - Larry
105 - Laser
106 - Lasher
107 - Lashes
108 - Laska
109 - Lasorda
110 - Lass
111 - Lassie
112 - Lastat
113 - Laszlo (after the character in the movie "Real
114 - Lathrop
115 - Latke (after the character on the TV show Taxi)
116 - Latte
117 - Laughing Cow
118 - Laughing Tree
119 - Laurant
120 - Laurel
121 - Laurel And Hardy
122 - Lauren
123 - Lavender
124 - Lavender Lace
125 - Laverne and Shirley
126 - Layla
127 - Lazar
128 - Lazaro
129 - Lazarus
130 - Lazy Cat
131 - Lazyboy
132 - Lea
133 - Leah
134 - Leander
135 - Leapol
136 - Leapole
137 - Learned Paw
138 - Leash
139 - Lebianco
140 - Leddy
141 - Ledo Lee
142 - Lee
143 - Lee Lee
144 - Leechee
145 - Leela
146 - Leela Mew
147 - Leeloo (after the character in the movie "The Fifth
148 - Leemp
149 - Leener-Beaner
150 - Leeny
151 - Leeza
152 - Lefty
153 - Legacy
154 - Legend
155 - Leggs
156 - Legolas (Tolkien, "Lord of the Rings")
157 - Leia
158 - Leigh
159 - Leila
160 - Leilo
161 - Leland
162 - Lelani
163 - Lelu (from the movie The Fifth Element)
164 - Leluka (Greek for "I am freed")
165 - Lembu (Malay for "cow")
166 - Lemew
167 - Lemieux
168 - Lemmy (after Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead)
169 - Lemon
170 - Lemur
171 - Lemur Tail
172 - Lena
173 - Lennie
174 - Lennox
175 - Lenny
176 - Lenny And Squiggy
177 - Lenny Bruce
178 - Lenore
179 - Leo
180 - Leon
181 - Leon Sphynx
182 - Leona
183 - Leonard
184 - Leonardo
185 - Leonardo DeCATprio
186 - Leonela
187 - Leonid
188 - Leonora
189 - Leopard
190 - Leopardetta
191 - Leopardette
192 - Leopold
193 - Leopold (after "Leopoldo" in the movie "Blood
and Roses")
194 - Lerium
195 - Leroy
196 - Leroy Brown
197 - Les Yeux Grandes
198 - Lesky
199 - Leslee
200 - Leslie
201 - Lessa
202 - Lessay
203 - Lestat
204 - Lester
205 - Lester Flatt
206 - Lester Jean
207 - Leucorhinos
208 - Leukocyte Catwalker
209 - Levi
210 - Lew
211 - Lewis
212 - Lewis And Clark
213 - Lex
214 - Lexi
215 - Lexicon
216 - Lexie
217 - Lexilady
218 - Leximer
219 - Lexis
220 - Lexus
221 - Lexus Summer
222 - Lexxy
223 - Lexy
224 - Lhasa
225 - Lia
226 - Liability
227 - Liam
228 - Libbie
229 - Libby
230 - Libby Lu
231 - Libelula (Spanish for "dragonfly")
232 - Liberty
233 - Liberty And Justice
234 - Libra
235 - Licil
236 - Licker
237 - Lickerish
238 - Lickity-Split
239 - Lickums
240 - Licky
241 - Licorice
242 - Liddy
243 - Lido
244 - Liebchen
245 - Liebling
246 - Liero
247 - Liger
248 - Light Dancer
249 - Lightnin
250 - Lightning
251 - Lightning Bug
252 - Lija
253 - Lika
254 - Lil Nicky
255 - Lil Nugget
256 - Lil Red
257 - Lil' Abner
258 - Lil' Bit
259 - Lil' Buddy
260 - Lil' Gray Guy
261 - Lil' Guy
262 - Lil' Mama Kitty
263 - Lil' Miss Pickie
264 - Lil' Monster
265 - Lil' One
266 - Lil' Striped Kitty
267 - Lil'flip
268 - Lila
269 - Lilac
270 - Lilac Rose
271 - Lili
272 - Lilia
273 - Lilith (character in "Cheers")
274 - Liliya
275 - Lilla Tabycat
276 - Lillan
277 - Lillehammer
278 - Lillian
279 - Lillian Pooh Bear
280 - Lilly
281 - Lilo
282 - Lily
283 - Lilyput
284 - Lima
285 - Limbo
286 - Lime
287 - Limerick
288 - Limite
289 - Lina
290 - Lina Bean
291 - Lina Cat
292 - Lina-Lina-Lina
293 - Lincoln
294 - Linda
295 - Lindor
296 - Lindy
297 - Lindy Hop
298 - Lindy-Brat
299 - Lindy-Cat
300 - Ling
301 - Ling Ling
302 - Link
303 - Linn
304 - Linneaus
305 - Lint
306 - Linus
307 - Linux
308 - Linx
309 - Lion
310 - Lion Boy
311 - Lion in Winter
312 - Lion Of Judah
313 - Lion-o
314 - Lionel
315 - Lionheart
316 - Lipps
317 - Lips
318 - Lipstick
319 - Liption
320 - Lira
321 - Lirael
322 - Lisa
323 - Lisa Catrow
324 - Lisa Marie
325 - Lisa-Marie
326 - Lisbef
327 - Lisbon
328 - Lisha
329 - Lishak
330 - Lister
331 - Lisu
332 - Lita
333 - Litl Bit
334 - Litmus
335 - Little
336 - Little Angel
337 - Little Annie Oakley
338 - Little Bean
339 - Little Bear
340 - Little Big Eyes
341 - Little Bit
342 - Little Bits
343 - Little Bitty 'Toe
344 - Little Black Kitty
345 - Little Bo Peep
346 - Little Bones
347 - Little Bot
348 - Little Boy
349 - Little Boy Blue
350 - Little Briches
351 - Little Bud
352 - Little Buddha
353 - Little Buddy
354 - Little Buntnt
355 - Little Butt
356 - Little Cat
357 - Little Cheese
358 - Little Cutie
359 - Little Dave
360 - Little Dude
361 - Little Duster
362 - Little Early
363 - Little Egypt
364 - Little English
365 - Little Fat Daddy
366 - Little Feet
367 - Little Fluffer Bean
368 - Little Flyer
369 - Little Foot
370 - Little Frieda
371 - Little Friend
372 - Little Fuzz
373 - Little Girl
374 - Little Goodie Two Shoes
375 - Little Gray
376 - Little Guy
377 - Little Hairball
378 - Little Her
379 - Little Izzy
380 - Little John
381 - Little Kitty
382 - Little Kitwort
383 - Little Knucklebump
384 - Little Lady
385 - Little Lady Bug
386 - Little Lady Pussycat
387 - Little Lap Kitty
388 - Little Liz
389 - Little Liza Jane
390 - Little Lord Fauntleroy
391 - Little Lou
392 - Little Love-Muffin
393 - Little Madame
394 - Little Mama
395 - Little Man
396 - Little Mew
397 - Little Miss
398 - Little Miss Softpaws
399 - Little Mo
400 - Little Murphy's
401 - Little Nettik
402 - Little O
403 - Little One
404 - Little Orange
405 - Little Orange Poohbear
406 - Little Paws
407 - Little Pink Nose
408 - Little Priss
409 - Little Puddy
410 - Little Raccoon Boy
411 - Little Red
412 - Little Richard
413 - Little Runt
414 - Little Shit
415 - Little Sister
416 - Little Sophie
417 - Little Sox
418 - Little Stevie
419 - Little T(rouble)
420 - Little Two-Ton
421 - Little Vittle
422 - Little Wing
423 - Little-One
424 - Littlebit
425 - Littlecat
426 - Littlefoot
427 - Littlepage
428 - Littlest One
429 - Liver Fudge Boy
430 - Livewire
431 - Livia
432 - Livorno
433 - Livy
434 - Liz
435 - Liz Gallagher
436 - Liza
437 - Lizard
438 - Lizzie
439 - Lizzy
440 - Lloyd
441 - Loadie
442 - Lobo
443 - Lobster
444 - Locke (after the philosopher "John Locke")
445 - Loco
446 - Locutus (from Star Trek)
447 - Loekie (Dutch name of tv-character)
448 - Lofton
449 - Lofty Softy
450 - Logan
451 - Lois
452 - Lois Lane
453 - Lokai
454 - Loke (Viking mythology: the untrustworthy god)
455 - Loki
456 - Loki Anklebiter
457 - Lokiki
458 - Lola
459 - Lolipop
460 - Lolita
461 - Lollipop
462 - Lolly
463 - Lolly-Pop
464 - Lolo
465 - London
466 - Lone Star
467 - Long John Silver
468 - Long Socks
469 - Long Tail
470 - Long Tall Sally
471 - Longcat
472 - Loni
473 - Lonni
474 - Looby
475 - Lookame
476 - Looney Cat
477 - Loony
478 - Loopy Lulu
479 - Lopez
480 - Lord Caspian de Fluff
481 - Lord Chubster
482 - Lord Julius L'Orange
483 - Lord Kitchner of Khartoum
484 - Lord Thomas Morris Gallagher III
485 - Lorelei
486 - Lorenzo
487 - Lorenzo Bandini
488 - Loretta Lynn
489 - Lorraine
490 - Lorrie
491 - Loser
492 - Lostra Laptiger
493 - Lots-O-Dots
494 - Lotus
495 - Lou
496 - Lou Dog
497 - Lou Reed
498 - Lou-Lou Lemon
499 - Loud Kitty
500 - Loud Mouth
501 - Loudmouth
502 - Loueysmith
503 - Louie
504 - Louie Louie
505 - Louie Waterlou
506 - Louis
507 - Louis Baudelaire (after French poet Charles Baudelaire)
508 - Louise
509 - Louise the Cat
510 - Louisiana
511 - Louisiel
512 - LouLou
513 - Lounge
514 - Loup-Garou
515 - Lousia
516 - Love
517 - Love Bug
518 - Love Button
519 - Love-Bug
520 - Love-Pig
521 - Lovebug
522 - Lovecake
523 - Lovee
524 - Lover
525 - Loverboy
526 - Lovergirl
527 - Loves Meat
528 - Lovesong
529 - Lovey
530 - Lovey Dovey
531 - Lovey Kitty
532 - Low
533 - Low Chroma (after the scientists term for dark-grey
wetland soil)
534 - Lowell
535 - Lowenbrau
536 - Lowes
537 - Lucas
538 - Luce
539 - Lucey
540 - Luci
541 - Luci Baines
542 - Luci Fur
543 - Lucia
544 - Lucia Bianca
545 - Luciani
546 - Lucidor
547 - Lucifer
548 - Lucifur
549 - Lucilla
550 - Lucille
551 - Lucinda
552 - Luciole (French for "firefly")
553 - Lucius
554 - Luck 'O The Irish
555 - Lucky
556 - Lucky Doodle Lee Doo
557 - Lucky Duck
558 - Lucky-Bob
559 - Lucretia
560 - Lucy
561 - Lucy And Ricardo
562 - Lucy Belle
563 - Lucy Girl
564 - Lucy Loo Hoo
565 - Lucy May
566 - Lucy-Cat
567 - Lucy-Fur
568 - Lucy-lou
569 - Lude
570 - Ludlow
571 - Ludo (after the character in the movie "Labyrinth")
572 - Ludwig
573 - Luey
574 - Luffy (after Monkey D. Luffy, character in the "One
Piece" anime)
575 - Lug
576 - Lugh
577 - Lugi
578 - Lugosi (after 1940s Dracula actor "Bela Lugosi")
579 - Luigi
580 - Lujak (Named for Larry Lujack, a radio DJ in Chicago)
581 - Luka
582 - Luke
583 - Luke Skywalker
584 - Lukie
585 - Lukin (after Matt Lukin, bassist)
586 - Lukrets
587 - Luky
588 - Lula
589 - Lulie Julie
590 - Lullaby
591 - Lulu
592 - Lulubell
593 - Lum
594 - Lump Of Fluff
595 - Lumps
596 - Lumpy
597 - Lumumba (after the hot drink with cocoa and cognac or
598 - Luna
599 - Lunatic
600 - Lunchbox
601 - Lunchmeat
602 - Lunzie
603 - Lupin
604 - Lurch
605 - Lurk
606 - Lurkmeister
607 - Lurky
608 - Luschia
609 - Luther
610 - Lutin (French for pixie)
611 - Lux (latin for "light")
612 - Luxor
613 - Luzie
614 - Lycos
615 - Lycus
616 - Lydia
617 - Lyndon Johnson
618 - Lynx
619 - Lyonhart
620 - Lyonne (short for Lioness)
621 - Lypsinka
622 - Lyra
623 - Lyric
624 - Lysanne
625 - Lyzen |