Cat Names Starting with I |
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cat names that start with I |
- I-want-a-Pounce
2 - I.L.T.E.I.P. ("It Likes To Eat It's Poop")
3 - Iago
4 - Iams
5 - Ian
6 - Ibble
7 - Icarus
8 - Ice
9 - Ice Cream
10 - Ice Maiden
11 - Ice Man
12 - Ice-Ice Kitty
13 - Ice-T
14 - Iceberg
15 - Iceberg Slim
16 - Icecat
17 - Iceman
18 - Icey
19 - Ichabod
20 - Ichi Ban (Japanese for "Number 1")
21 - Ickaldo Ickle Puss
22 - Icon
23 - Ida
24 - Idalis
25 - Iddy Biddy
26 - Idgie
27 - Idi
28 - Idiot
29 - Iditarod
30 - Idjie
31 - Idjut
32 - Idun (Viking mythology: the godess of youth)
33 - Ifsingen
34 - Iggy
35 - Iggy Biggie
36 - Igloo
37 - Igmoo Kipper
38 - Igmu (Lakota (Souix) for "cat")
39 - Ignacio
40 - Ignat
41 - Ignatius
42 - Ignatowski (from TV show "Taxi")
43 - Ignatz
44 - Ignutz
45 - Ignutz The Klutz
46 - Igor
47 - Ike
48 - Ilariê (after the song by Xuxa)
49 - Ilia
50 - Ilker
51 - Illa
52 - Ilsa Liao Klein
53 - Ilya
54 - Ilytria
55 - Image
56 - Imagine
57 - Imakat
58 - Iman (Turkish for "faith")
59 - Imani
60 - Imao
61 - Imbri
62 - Imhotep
63 - Imp
64 - Imprint
65 - Impy
66 - Imshi
67 - Imzadi
68 - Inca
69 - Indah (Indonesian for "beautiful")
70 - Indara
71 - India
72 - India Ink
73 - Indian
74 - Indiana
75 - Indiana Jones
76 - Indicus
77 - Indie
78 - Indigo
79 - Indika
80 - Indira Naidoo
81 - Indu
82 - Indy
83 - Indy (after Indiana Jones)
84 - Indy Cat
85 - Indy Pins
86 - Indy Q.
87 - Indy-Cleopatra-M and M
88 - Indycule
89 - Indykins
90 - Indypinnykinnykins
91 - Inez
92 - Inferno
93 - Infinity
94 - Inga
95 - Ingham
96 - Ingold
97 - Ingrate
98 - Ingrid
99 - Iniki
100 - Injun
101 - Inka
102 - Inkers
103 - Inkheart (after the book by Cornelia Funke)
104 - Inki
105 - Inkin
106 - Inkster
107 - Inkster-Doodle
108 - Inkus
109 - Inkus Stinkus Domininkus
110 - Inky
111 - Inky Bear
112 - Inky Dink
113 - Inky Dinky Doo
114 - Inky Poo
115 - Inky-Stinky-Poo
116 - Inna-gadda-da-vida
117 - Inspector Gadget
118 - Intel Inside
119 - Intelectus
120 - Interkitty
121 - International Man of Mystery
122 - International Spy Kitty
123 - Internet
124 - Intie
125 - Intrepid
126 - Intruder
127 - Invisible
128 - Invitation
129 - Io (pronounced: Ee-Oh)
130 - Ioannina
131 - Iodine
132 - Iona
133 - Ior
134 - Iota
135 - Ira
136 - Irasan
137 - Irie
138 - Irina
139 - Iris
140 - Irish
141 - Irish Cream
142 - Irish Eyes
143 - Irish Pride
144 - Irix (after the operating system by Silicon Graphics)
145 - Irma
146 - Iro
147 - Irresistible
148 - Irving
149 - Irwin
150 - Isa
151 - Isaac
152 - IsaB (short for Isabella)
153 - Isabeau (from the movie LadyHawke)
154 - Isabel
155 - Isabella Jalepeno Gutierrez
156 - Isabelle
157 - Isabelle.
158 - Isabelly Motts
159 - Isabelly Motzarelli
160 - Isadora
161 - Isaiah
162 - Isembard
163 - Isha
164 - Ishcabible
165 - Ishido (Japanese for "stone")
166 - Ishkabibble (named after a 1940s singer)
167 - Ishmael
168 - Ishta
169 - Ishtar (goddess)
170 - Isidor
171 - Isis
172 - Iskender (Turkish name of Alexander the Great)
173 - Island Girl
174 - Ismael
175 - Isodora
176 - Isolde
177 - Isosceles
178 - Isotta
179 - Issabella
180 - Issac
181 - Issie (after the village "Issoire" in France)
182 - Isterband
183 - Istoobad
184 - IT
185 - Ita Conchita Consuela
186 - Itallia
187 - Itch
188 - Itchicus
189 - Itchy
190 - Itchy and Scratchy
191 - Itchy Brother
192 - Itsy
193 - Itsy-Bitsy
194 - Itty
195 - Itty Bit
196 - Itty Bitty
197 - Itty Bitty Pretty Kitty
198 - Itty-Bits
199 - Itzpapalotl (Aztec mythology: goddess of agriculture)
200 - Itzy
201 - Ivan
202 - Ivan Beauyevitch
203 - Ivan the Terrible
204 - Ivana
205 - Ivar
206 - Iverson
207 - Ivory and Ebony
208 - Ivy
209 - Ivy League
210 - Ix Chel (Maya mythology: the goddess of the moon)
211 - Ixtab (Maya mythology: the goddess of the hanged)
212 - Ixtlilton (Aztec mythology: the god of healing, feasting
and games)
213 - Izabella
214 - Izmail
215 - Izot
216 - Izzie
217 - Izzy
218 - Izzy B |