Cat Names Starting with H |
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cat names that start with H |
- H.A.L. (from the movie 2001)
2 - H.D. ("House Destroyer")
3 - H.S. Truman
4 - H.W. ("Home Wrecker")
5 - Haagendaz
6 - Haar
7 - Habanero (variety of pepper, very hot)
8 - Haberdasher
9 - Haboko (Japanese for "ink blot")
10 - Hachi-Ko
11 - Hacker
12 - Hacki-Sack
13 - Hade-Na
14 - Hades
15 - Hadji
16 - Hadjii
17 - Hadley (heath covered meadow)
18 - Hadron (subatomic particle)
19 - Hagar
20 - Hagar The Horrible
21 - Hahn
22 - Haida
23 - Haides
24 - Haiku
25 - Haile
26 - Haile Selassie
27 - Hailey
28 - Hair Ball
29 - Hair Factory
30 - Hair Licker
31 - Hairball
32 - Hairball Hockker the Horrible
33 - Hairry
34 - Hairy
35 - Hairy Nettik
36 - Hairy Truman
37 - Haiya (means "life")
38 - Haj
39 - Haji
40 - Hajja
41 - Hajur
42 - Hal
43 - Halaboot
44 - Halc
45 - Halcyon
46 - Hale
47 - Haley
48 - Half And Half
49 - Half Half And Half
50 - Half Hot Chocolate
51 - Half Moon
52 - Half-pint
53 - Halfacat
54 - Halfshell
55 - Halibut
56 - Halleyween
57 - Hallie
58 - Halloween
59 - Hallway
60 - Halo
61 - Halolo
62 - Halon
63 - Halsey
64 - Ham
65 - Ham and Beans
66 - Ham and Eggs
67 - Ham Sandwich
68 - Hamelin
69 - Hamilcar (after Hamilcar Barca, father of Hannibal)
70 - Hamilton
71 - Hamish
72 - Hamlet
73 - Hammer
74 - Hammurabi
75 - Hammy
76 - Hampton
77 - Han Solo
78 - Hanable
79 - Hancock
80 - Handel
81 - Handsome
82 - Handsome Boy
83 - Hang Ten
84 - Hanibal
85 - Hanibal Lickter
86 - Hank
87 - Hankock
88 - Hanky
89 - HankyPanky
90 - Hanna
91 - Hannabella
92 - Hannah
93 - Hannah Lamb
94 - Hannah-Lamb
95 - Hannibal
96 - Hannibal the Cannibal
97 - Hans
98 - Hansel
99 - Hansel And Gretel
100 - Hansom Charlie Brown
101 - Hantu (Malay for "ghost")
102 - Hanuman Babu Brown
103 - Hap
104 - Haplo
105 - Happy
106 - Happy Cat
107 - Happy Feet
108 - Happy Loo
109 - Har Mar
110 - Haran
111 - Harbor
112 - Hard Rock
113 - Hardangervidda
114 - Hardy
115 - Harimau (Malay for "tiger")
116 - Hariton
117 - Harlampiy
118 - Harlee
119 - Harlem
120 - Harlequin
121 - Harley
122 - Harley Davidson
123 - Harley Dude
124 - Harlow
125 - Harlow Alleyrogue
126 - Harly D
127 - Harmi
128 - Harmonee
129 - Harmony
130 - Harmony May
131 - Harold
132 - Harold And Maude
133 - Harold Bodean
134 - Harpa
135 - Harper
136 - Harpo
137 - Harriet
138 - Harrison
139 - Harrison Ford
140 - Harry
141 - Harry Houdini
142 - Harvey
143 - Harvey (as in The Pooka)
144 - Harwood
145 - Hasan
146 - Hase
147 - Hashish
148 - Hasie
149 - Haskel
150 - Haskell
151 - Haslyn-Shalin
152 - Hastings
153 - Hastle
154 - Hatch
155 - Hatcher
156 - Hattie
157 - Haugesund
158 - Havana
159 - Havarti
160 - Havoc
161 - Havok
162 - Hawaii
163 - Hawk
164 - Hawkeye
165 - Hawthorne
166 - Hay You
167 - Hayden
168 - Hayley
169 - Hayley Bop
170 - Hayley Mills
171 - Hayley Spills
172 - Hayley Victoria
173 - Hayley-Baby
174 - Hazel
175 - Hazel Nut
176 - Hazer
177 - Hazle
178 - Hazlenut
179 - Health
180 - Hearadh Mac Alaisdeara (Gaelic for "Harris, son
of Alexandra")
181 - Heart
182 - Heart Nose
183 - Heart of Gold
184 - Heartbreaker
185 - Hearto'Gold
186 - Hearto'Mine
187 - Hearts
188 - Heath
189 - Heathcliff
190 - Heathcliff Aloysius
191 - Heathcote
192 - Heather
193 - Heaven
194 - Heavengaze
195 - Heavenly
196 - Heavenly Bliss
197 - Heavenly Daze
198 - Heavenly Kitty
199 - Heavy
200 - Hecate
201 - Heckabe
202 - Heckle
203 - Hector
204 - Hecuba
205 - Hecubbus Hellcat
206 - Hedda
207 - Hedgehog
208 - Hedley
209 - Hedwig (after the musical/movie "Hedwig and the
Angry Inch")
210 - Hedy
211 - Hedy Lammarr
212 - Heebee
213 - Hefty
214 - Hegel
215 - Heidi
216 - HeiMao
217 - Heimao
218 - Heimdall (Viking mythology: The guard of Bifrost)
219 - Heiney Man
220 - Heiress
221 - Hektor
222 - Hekyll
223 - Hela
224 - Helado (Spanish for "icecream")
225 - Helen
226 - Helen of Coy
227 - Helen of Troy
228 - Helen Ratface Keller
229 - Helgi
230 - Helios
231 - Helix
232 - Hell Cat
233 - Hell on Paws
234 - Hellas (Greek for "Greece")
235 - Hellion
236 - Hello Kitty
237 - Hellodolly
238 - Hellraiser
239 - Hellweasel
240 - Helmut
241 - Helmut von Kat
242 - Heloise
243 - Helper
244 - Helper Kitty
245 - Hemey
246 - Hemingway
247 - Hemlock
248 - Henley
249 - Henna
250 - Hennessey
251 - Henoze
252 - Henri
253 - Henri Kissinger
254 - Henrick
255 - Henrietta
256 - Henrijean
257 - Henry
258 - Henry Andres Midnight Moses
259 - Hepcat
260 - Hephaistas
261 - Hepzibah
262 - Her Big Sister
263 - Her Honor
264 - Her Majesty Queen of the House
265 - Her Nibs
266 - Her Purriness
267 - Her Purrs Highness
268 - Her Royal Highness
269 - Her Royal Princess
270 - Hera
271 - Herb
272 - Herbal Tea
273 - Herbert
274 - Herbie
275 - Hercat
276 - Hercule Poirot
277 - Hercules
278 - Hercules Amok
279 - Herdome
280 - Here comes Trouble
281 - Heritage
282 - Herman
283 - Hermes
284 - Hermie
285 - Hermione
286 - Hermit
287 - Hero
288 - Hersey Bar
289 - Hershel
290 - Hershey
291 - Hershey Bar
292 - Hertzsprung
293 - Hesche
294 - HeShe
295 - HeSheHimHerIt
296 - Hessie
297 - Hesta
298 - Hester
299 - Hester Primm
300 - Hestia
301 - Hevea
302 - Hey
303 - Hey You
304 - Hey-Z
305 - Hi-Cat
306 - Hibernia (Roman name of Ireland)
307 - Hickory
308 - Hide-A-Way
309 - Hidey
310 - Hidyho
311 - HieHie
312 - Hieronymous
313 - Hieronymus Merkin
314 - Higgins
315 - High-Tech
316 - Highlite
317 - Highway
318 - Hijo del pollo ("son of the chicken")
319 - Hilaria
320 - Hilary
321 - Hilary Clinton
322 - Hilary Duff
323 - Hilda
324 - Hilda Mae Marie
325 - Hilde
326 - Hildegard
327 - Hilery
328 - Hillary
329 - Hillary Rodham Kitten
330 - Hilly
331 - HimHer
332 - Hincmar
333 - Hincmars
334 - Hini
335 - Hip
336 - Hip Hop
337 - Hip Kitty
338 - Hippo
339 - Hippo Spottamus
340 - Hippodrome
341 - Hipster
342 - Hiram
343 - Hiri (Arabic for "wild cat")
344 - His Highness
345 - His Highness Sir Poo-Poo
346 - His Lordship
347 - His Lordship Sir William Timothy Fredrick Robert Smythe
348 - His Majesty, King of the Sofa
349 - His Royal Furriness
350 - His Royalness
351 - Hiss
352 - Hissy
353 - Hissy Face
354 - Historia
355 - Hit And Run
356 - Hizanherz
357 - Ho Chi
358 - Ho Kitty
359 - Ho' Cat
360 - Hoagi
361 - Hoagie
362 - Hobart
363 - Hobbe
364 - Hobbes
365 - Hobbikat
366 - Hobbit
367 - Hobbs
368 - Hobgoblin Kattwinkel
369 - Hobie
370 - Hobie-Cat
371 - Hobo
372 - Hobson
373 - Hochimin
374 - Hockey Puck
375 - Hocus-Pocus
376 - Hodge
377 - Hodge Podge Hairy Feet
378 - Hodori
379 - Hog
380 - Hog N Daz
381 - Hog Wilde
382 - Hogan
383 - Holden
384 - Hollandaise
385 - Holley
386 - Hollie
387 - Hollie Berry
388 - Holly
389 - Hollyberry
390 - Hollywood
391 - Holmes
392 - Holothuroidea
393 - Holy Mackerel
394 - Holy Moly
395 - Holy Smoke
396 - Holy-chloe
397 - Homeboy
398 - Homer
399 - Homere
400 - Homey
401 - Homi
402 - Homie
403 - Hon
404 - Hon Hon
405 - Honcho
406 - Honda
407 - Honey
408 - Honey Bear
409 - Honey Bee
410 - Honey Boy
411 - Honey Child
412 - Honey Chile
413 - Honey-Bun
414 - Honey-Lamb
415 - Honeybee
416 - Honeyboy
417 - Honeybunny
418 - HoneyCat
419 - Honeycomb
420 - Honeylamb
421 - Honeypuff
422 - Honeysuckle
423 - Honeysuckle Rose
424 - Hong-Soo Han
425 - Honky
426 - Honky-Tonk
427 - Honolulu
428 - Honora
429 - Honu
430 - Hony
431 - Hoo
432 - Hooch
433 - Hood
434 - Hoodoo
435 - Hoofman
436 - Hook
437 - Hook Kitty
438 - Hooligan
439 - Hooper
440 - Hoosier
441 - Hoot of Iran
442 - Hootch
443 - Hootie
444 - Hoover
445 - Hop Scotch
446 - Hope
447 - Hopei
448 - Hopi
449 - Hopper
450 - Hoppity Kitty
451 - Hoppy
452 - Hops
453 - Horace
454 - Horatio
455 - Horlicks
456 - Horrible
457 - Horrid Hairy
458 - Horror
459 - Hors D'Ouvres
460 - Horse
461 - Horshack
462 - Hortencia
463 - Hortense
464 - Horus (Egyptian god)
465 - Hoser
466 - Hot Dog
467 - Hot Java
468 - Hot Rod
469 - Hot Shot
470 - Hot Stuff
471 - Hotpoint
472 - Hotshot
473 - Hotspots
474 - Hotspur
475 - HotStuff Pete
476 - Hotzie
477 - Houdini
478 - Houlie
479 - Houston
480 - Hovis
481 - Howard
482 - Howard Stern
483 - Howe
484 - Howe Bout This
485 - Howie
486 - Howler
487 - Howling Hannibal
488 - HRH Prince Andrew Tavin 2nd (Tav)
489 - Hrissa
490 - Hubba
491 - Hubba Hubba
492 - Hubbard
493 - Hubble
494 - Hubert
495 - Hubertus
496 - Huck
497 - Huck Du Bery
498 - Huckeh
499 - Huckelberry Finn
500 - Huckle
501 - Huckle Berry
502 - Huckleberry
503 - Hucko
504 - Hudson
505 - Huey
506 - Huey Lewis
507 - Huey Maximillian Bonfigliano
508 - Huey Newton
509 - Huffy
510 - Hugga Wugga
511 - Hugger-Mugger
512 - Huggins (after Henry Huggins, children's book)
513 - Huggy Bear
514 - Hugh
515 - Hugo
516 - Huh Rub
517 - Huitzilopochtli (Aztec mythology: god of war and the
518 - Huixtocihuatl (Aztec mythology: the goddess of salt)
519 - Hulk
520 - Hulk Hogan
521 - Hulkster
522 - Human Shadow Puppet
523 - Humdinger
524 - Humle
525 - Hummel
526 - Hummer
527 - Hummingbird
528 - Hummy
529 - Humperdink
530 - Humphrey
531 - Humphrey Bogart
532 - HunBun
533 - Hunka Hunka Burnin' Luv
534 - Hunny
535 - Hunny Bear
536 - Hunny Bunny
537 - Huno
538 - Hunter
539 - Huntley
540 - Huntress
541 - Hurley (after the skateboard brand)
542 - Hurricane
543 - Hurricane Andy
544 - Husky
545 - Hussy
546 - Hutch
547 - Huxley
548 - Hyacinth (after the character in the sitcom "Keeping
Up Appearances")
549 - Hyde
550 - Hydra
551 - Hydrox
552 - Hyper Kitty
553 - Hyperion
554 - Hytek
555 - Hyzen |