Cat Names Starting with F |
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cat names that start with F |
- F'rb'l ("Furball")
2 - F. Lee Bailey
3 - F.C. (Funny Cat)
4 - F.K. (Fish Killer)
5 - F.W.
6 - Faberette
7 - Faberge
8 - Fabio
9 - Fable
10 - Face
11 - Faded
12 - Fadei
13 - Fafhrd
14 - Fafnir (Swedish mythology: a dragon)
15 - Fagan
16 - Faina
17 - Faire
18 - Fairfax
19 - Fairfax Fur Face
20 - Fairway
21 - Fairy
22 - Faith
23 - Faithful
24 - Faja
25 - Fajita
26 - Fala
27 - Falafel
28 - Falcon
29 - Falkor
30 - Fallon
31 - Falstaff
32 - Family Guy
33 - Fan-Fan
34 - Fan-Fan the Van
35 - Fancois
36 - Fancy
37 - Fancy Face
38 - Fancy Feast
39 - Fancy Pants
40 - Fandango
41 - Fang
42 - Fang Baby
43 - Fannie
44 - Fanny
45 - Fannymagee
46 - Fanta
47 - Fantasia
48 - Farasha (Female Arabian name, meaning "butterfly")
49 - Farber
50 - Farfel
51 - Fargo
52 - Farkas
53 - Farkleberry
54 - Farley
55 - Farpoint
56 - Fartypants
57 - Farukin
58 - Fast Eddie
59 - Fat Albert
60 - Fat Baby Racoon
61 - Fat Bastard
62 - Fat Boy
63 - Fat Cat
64 - Fat Cat Mc.Cutey
65 - Fat Freddy
66 - Fat Knee
67 - Fat Nitty
68 - Fat One
69 - Fat Pants
70 - Fat Pig
71 - Fat Puddin
72 - Fat Tail
73 - Fat Thing
74 - Fata (Italian for fairy, leprechaun, pixie)
75 - Fatal Beauty
76 - Fataz
77 - FatBoy
78 - Fatboy Paddington
79 - Fatcat
80 - Fatima
81 - Fatouche (named after a type of Middle Eastern Salad)
82 - Fatpants
83 - Fatrick
84 - Fats
85 - Fats Domino
86 - Fatsawobble
87 - Fatsmo Cat
88 - Fatso
89 - Fattail
90 - Fatty
91 - Fatty Arbuckle
92 - Fatty Boombalatti
93 - Fatty Girl
94 - Fatty Lumpkin
95 - Fattycat
96 - Fatz
97 - Faucet Face
98 - Fauna
99 - Fauna (Roman religion: also called Bona Dea, the female
counterpart of Faunus)
100 - Fauntleroy
101 - Faunus (Roman religion: woodland deity, protector of
herds and crops)
102 - Faust
103 - Faustus
104 - Faux Pas
105 - Faux Paws
106 - Fawn
107 - Fax
108 - Fay
109 - Fayd
110 - Fayoum (province in Egypt)
111 - FBI Special Agent Kat
112 - Fearful
113 - Fearless
114 - Fearless Fosdick
115 - Fearless J. Mousebiter
116 - Feather
117 - Feather Boy
118 - Febian
119 - Fedia
120 - Fedor
121 - Fedora
122 - Fedosia
123 - Fedot
124 - Feedback
125 - FeFe
126 - Fefe
127 - Feisty
128 - Fela
129 - Feldmann
130 - Feles
131 - Felice (combination of Faith and Elise, meaning Joy)
132 - Felicia
133 - Felicicat
134 - Felicity
135 - Felicja
136 - Felidae (lions, tigers, cats and others are members
of the Felidae (feline) family)
137 - Felina
138 - Feline
139 - Feline Unit
140 - Felini
141 - Felinoid
142 - Felinus Divinus
143 - Felipe Juan (after the Spanish prince Felipe Juan de
Marichalar y Borbón)
144 - Felis Domesticus MonoOculus Longintoothus
145 - Felisha
146 - Felix the Cat (cartoon character)
147 - Feliz
148 - Fellini
149 - Felo
150 - Fender
151 - Fender Bender
152 - Fendi (after the fashion accessories brandname)
153 - Fenella (Irish name meaning "white shouldered")
154 - Fenestra
155 - Fennel
156 - Fenton
157 - Fenway
158 - Fenway Frank (Red Sox)
159 - Fenwick
160 - Feo
161 - Feodor
162 - Feona
163 - Feonia
164 - Feral
165 - Ferapont
166 - Ferdinand
167 - Ferdinand de la Casa
168 - Fergie
169 - Fergus
170 - Ferlando
171 - Fermi
172 - Fermi-dee
173 - Fermi-wirmi
174 - Fern
175 - Fernando
176 - Feroscia
177 - Ferrari
178 - Ferreo
179 - Ferret Face
180 - Ferris
181 - Fertile Myrtle
182 - Fervel Hardeman
183 - Festus
184 - Fetch
185 - Fetchercat
186 - Fettucine
187 - Fevronia
188 - Fezzik
189 - Fezziwig (character from Dickens' A Christmas Carol)
190 - Fia Fia
191 - Fiapinho
192 - Fibi
193 - Fickle
194 - Fidde
195 - Fiddlesticks
196 - Fidel
197 - Fidel Catsro
198 - Fideli
199 - Fidelio
200 - Fidget
201 - Fido
202 - Field
203 - Fierce
204 - Fiery
205 - Fiesta
206 - Fiesta Cat
207 - Fiesty
208 - Fievel
209 - Fifi
210 - Fig
211 - Figaro
212 - Figaroo
213 - Figero
214 - Figgie
215 - Figgles
216 - Figgus Pushtinky Pushmoshkin Bogenbroom McTavish
217 - Figment
218 - Figo
219 - Figoro
220 - Fiji
221 - Fikri
222 - Fila
223 - Filbert
224 - Filibuster
225 - Filimon
226 - Fillmore
227 - Filo
228 - Filofei
229 - Filou (pronounced "fee-loo", meaning hyper
or mischievious)
230 - Filthy Cat
231 - Fima
232 - Fimo
233 - Finale
234 - Findley
235 - Findus
236 - Fingers
237 - Finian
238 - Fink
239 - Finlay
240 - Finley
241 - Finn
242 - Finn MacCool
243 - Finn The Wonder Rex
244 - Finnegan
245 - Finnigan
246 - Finniminnigan
247 - Finster
248 - Fintoozler
249 - Fiona
250 - Fiore (Italian for "flower")
251 - Fiorella (Italian for "little flower")
252 - Fireball
253 - Firebird
254 - Firebug
255 - Firecat
256 - Firecracker
257 - Firefly
258 - Fireman Bob
259 - Firenze
260 - Fireside
261 - Firousi
262 - Fisby
263 - Fisch
264 - Fish
265 - Fish Bait
266 - Fish face
267 - Fish head
268 - Fishbone
269 - FishFace
270 - Fishhead
271 - FishStick
272 - Fishsticks
273 - Fister
274 - Fitch
275 - Fittan
276 - Fitts
277 - Fitzgerald
278 - Fitzhugh
279 - FitziePie
280 - Fitzpatrick
281 - Fitzwillie
282 - Fiver
283 - Fizban
284 - Fizz
285 - Fizzgig
286 - Fizzgig Felix Potvin (after the Dark Crystal and the
287 - Fizzie
288 - Fizzle
289 - Fizzo
290 - Fizzy
291 - Fjodor
292 - Flakey
293 - Flaky-Jake
294 - Flame
295 - Flannel
296 - Flap
297 - Flapjacks
298 - Flapper
299 - Flare
300 - Flash
301 - Flash'n Dash
302 - Flashlight
303 - Flauta
304 - Flavius
305 - Flea
306 - Flea Bags
307 - Flea Bailey
308 - Flea Brain
309 - Flea Circus
310 - Flea Feast
311 - Flea Free
312 - Flea Lady
313 - Fleabag
314 - Fleala
315 - Fleas
316 - Fledermaus
317 - Flee
318 - Fleetwood
319 - Fletch
320 - Fletcher
321 - Fleur (French for "flower")
322 - Fleurette
323 - Flexx
324 - Flick
325 - Flicka
326 - Flicker
327 - Flicker Noodle
328 - Fling
329 - Flint
330 - Flip
331 - Flipflap
332 - Flipper
333 - Flippy
334 - Flirt
335 - Flirty-Girl
336 - Flo
337 - Floatsom
338 - Flocko
339 - Floella
340 - Floor
341 - Floozy
342 - Flop
343 - Flopper
344 - Flopper Bopper
345 - Flopsy
346 - Flora Or Fauna
347 - Florence (after Florence Nightingale)
348 - Florida
349 - Florida Kitty
350 - Florrie O'Driscoll
351 - Florénda
352 - Flossy
353 - Flounder
354 - Flower
355 - Flower Face
356 - Flowerbelle
357 - Floyd (after Pink Floyd)
358 - Floydean
359 - Flubbadubba
360 - Flubberty
361 - Fluff
362 - Fluff Ball
363 - Fluff Napoleon
364 - Fluffee
365 - Fluffer Kitty McNickles
366 - Fluffernutter
367 - Fluffers
368 - Fluffers Meowkins
369 - Fluffers Tail
370 - Fluffinzee
371 - Fluffles
372 - Fluffly
373 - Fluffmister
374 - Fluffo
375 - Fluffster
376 - Fluffy
377 - Fluffy And Sassy
378 - Fluffy Bum Mc.Cuddles
379 - Fluffy Butt
380 - Fluffy Love
381 - Fluffy-kins
382 - Fluffybritches
383 - Fluffypants
384 - Fluke
385 - Fluke Catwalker
386 - Fluky
387 - Flurri
388 - Flurry
389 - Flush
390 - Fly By Nite
391 - Fly Girl
392 - Focker
393 - Fog (from the line in the poem "Fog Creeps in on
Little Cat's Feet")
394 - Foggy
395 - Foggy Bottoms
396 - Foghorn
397 - Foie Gras
398 - Foka
399 - Folderol
400 - Foldilocks
401 - Foley
402 - Folletto (Italian for bogey, elf, elfin, goblin, gremlin,
hobgoblin, imp, pixie, sprite)
403 - Foma
404 - Fondue
405 - Fontaine
406 - Fontana
407 - Fonzi
408 - Fonzie
409 - Foo
410 - Foo Man Choo
411 - Foobahwho
412 - Foobar
413 - Food
414 - Food Face
415 - Food Lion
416 - Foody
417 - Foody-Pudy
418 - Foof
419 - Foofus
420 - Fooker-Doo
421 - Fooshnickers
422 - Football
423 - Footnote
424 - Foozle
425 - Fopulgorus
426 - Forbes
427 - Ford
428 - Forest Gump
429 - Formless Spawn
430 - Formosa
431 - Forrest
432 - Forrest Gump
433 - Fortuna
434 - Fos
435 - Fosgate
436 - Foster
437 - Found
438 - Four-By
439 - Four-Legged Reason For Living
440 - Four-Oh-Seven
441 - Fox
442 - Fox "spooky" Mulder
443 - Foxbat (after the animal, not the aircraft)
444 - Foxi
445 - Foxie
446 - Foxy
447 - Foxy Roo
448 - Foxy Roxy
449 - Foxykat
450 - Fozzy (from The Muppets)
451 - Fozzy Bear
452 - Frac (companion to Fric)
453 - Fracinator
454 - Frack
455 - Fractal
456 - Frafrik
457 - Fraggle
458 - Fragglewoof
459 - Fraidee
460 - Fraidey
461 - Fraidy
462 - Fraidy Cat
463 - Fran
464 - Frances
465 - Francesca
466 - Francesco
467 - Franchesca
468 - Franchise
469 - Francine
470 - Francis
471 - Francis Albert
472 - Francois
473 - Frangelico
474 - Frangipane
475 - Franjelica
476 - Frank
477 - Frank Lloyd White
478 - Frank N. Furter
479 - Frankenfurter
480 - Frankenstein
481 - Frankie
482 - Frankincense and Purr
483 - Franklin
484 - Franklin Blue (named after "Ol' Blue Eyes")
485 - Franklin Delano Roosevelt
486 - Franky
487 - Frannie
488 - Franny
489 - Franz
490 - Franz Lisp
491 - Franzie
492 - Frasier
493 - Frassy
494 - Frau (German for "Lady")
495 - Frau Grau (German for "Gray Lady")
496 - Frau Hintze
497 - Frazer
498 - Frazier
499 - Frazzle
500 - Frazzles
501 - Freak
502 - Freak Face
503 - Freaker Beaker
504 - Freaker Mao
505 - Freakie
506 - Freakmeister
507 - Freakster
508 - Freaky
509 - Freaky Mc.Cutey
510 - Freckles
511 - Fred
512 - Freddie
513 - Freddo
514 - Freddy
515 - Freddy Cat
516 - Freddy Kruger
517 - Freddywetabeanbag
518 - Frederica
519 - Frederick
520 - Frederick Chopin
521 - Frederik
522 - Frederina Ballerina
523 - Fredie
524 - Fredo (from "The Godfather")
525 - Fredrika
526 - Fredsel
527 - Fredseletta
528 - Free
529 - Free-Way
530 - Freebie
531 - Freeda
532 - Freedom
533 - Freek
534 - Freeway
535 - Freeza
536 - Freida
537 - Fremont
538 - French Kiss
539 - Frenchie
540 - Frenzy
541 - Freo
542 - Freon
543 - Fresca
544 - Fresno
545 - Freud
546 - Frey (Viking mythology: The God of weather and fertility)
547 - Freya (Viking mythology: The Godess of fertility)
548 - Freyar
549 - Freydis
550 - Friar Tuck
551 - Fric
552 - Frick
553 - Frida
554 - Friday
555 - Fridolin
556 - Frieda
557 - Friederike
558 - Friend
559 - Friendly
560 - Friendly Kitty
561 - Friendy
562 - Frijole
563 - Fringer
564 - Frip
565 - Frisbee
566 - Frisco
567 - Friskey
568 - Friskie
569 - Frisky
570 - Fristie
571 - Fritti
572 - Fritz
573 - Fritz Patrick
574 - Fritzi
575 - Fritzy
576 - Frizzle
577 - Frobisher
578 - Frodo (from The Lord of the Rings)
579 - Frog
580 - Froggy
581 - Froglet
582 - Fromage
583 - Fromagon
584 - Fronk
585 - Froopy
586 - Frost
587 - Frostbyte
588 - Froster
589 - Frostfur (cat from the "Warriors" bookseries)
590 - Frostie
591 - Frosty
592 - Frou-Frou
593 - Frowsy
594 - Fruit
595 - Fruitbat
596 - Fruitcake
597 - Fruitcup
598 - Fruitloop
599 - Fruitstew
600 - Fruity
601 - Frumisera
602 - Fu
603 - Fu Man Chu
604 - Fu Ming Chu
605 - Fubar
606 - Fuchsia
607 - Fudd
608 - Fuddles
609 - Fudge
610 - Fudgie
611 - Fuel
612 - Fuff
613 - Fuffly
614 - Fuffy Kitty
615 - Fugazi
616 - Fuji
617 - Fujiama
618 - Fuki (Japanese for "freedom")
619 - Fulton
620 - Fungi
621 - Fungus
622 - FungusUmungus
623 - Funguy
624 - Funky
625 - Funky Monkey
626 - Funky Munky
627 - Funky Music
628 - Funny
629 - Funny Bunny
630 - Funny Face
631 - Funnyface
632 - Funnygirl
633 - Funtime
634 - Fur
635 - Fur Ball Ester
636 - Fur Elise
637 - Fur Face
638 - Fur Master
639 - Fur Princess
640 - Furari
641 - Furbaby
642 - Furbag
643 - Furball
644 - Furbeast
645 - Furbee
646 - Furbs
647 - Furby
648 - Furcat
649 - Furface
650 - Furgie
651 - Furgood
652 - Furgus
653 - Furica
654 - Furigty
655 - Furioso
656 - Furman
657 - Furp
658 - FurPerson
659 - Furr
660 - Furr Ball
661 - Furrball
662 - Furrface
663 - Furrfect
664 - Furriness
665 - Furrpurr
666 - Furry
667 - Furry Boy
668 - Furry Elise
669 - Furry Fuzzy Kitty
670 - Furry Girl
671 - Furry-Purry
672 - Furstenberg
673 - Fury
674 - Fusser
675 - Fusty
676 - Fuuschnicken
677 - Fuzz
678 - Fuzz Ball
679 - Fuzz Buster
680 - Fuzz Butt
681 - Fuzzball
682 - Fuzzbrain
683 - Fuzzbucket
684 - Fuzzbunz
685 - Fuzzbuster
686 - Fuzzbutt
687 - Fuzzbuzz
688 - Fuzzface
689 - Fuzzie
690 - Fuzzle
691 - Fuzzmeist
692 - Fuzzmental
693 - Fuzzmuzz
694 - Fuzznut
695 - Fuzzums
696 - Fuzzy
697 - Fuzzy Face
698 - Fuzzy Inky Kitty
699 - Fuzzy Wuzzy Baby Bear
700 - Fuzzy Wuzzy Bear
701 - Fuzzy-Moto
702 - Fuzzybucket
703 - Fuzzybugger
704 - FuzzyButt
705 - Fymi
706 - Fyvush |