Cat Names Starting with C |
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cat names that start with C |
- C'Est Moi
2 - C'Mell (character in sf story by Cordwainer Smith, "The
Ballad of Lost C'Mell")
3 - C'mere (as in "Come here")
4 - C-A-T
5 - C-fer (as in C for Cat)
6 - C-Unit
7 - C.A.T.
8 - C.A.T. Cat (Charles Alexander Theodore Cat)
9 - C.B. (Cat Ballou)
10 - C.B. (Cato's Brother)
11 - C.B. (Cry Baby)
12 - C.B.S. (Cry Baby Sam)
13 - C.C. ("Cool Cat")
14 - C.C. (Camo Cat)
15 - C.C. (Chiefs Cat)
16 - C.C. Ryder
17 - C.E.O.
18 - C.H.I.P.s
19 - C.J.
20 - C.J. (after the Jeep)
21 - C.W. ("Central West")
22 - C4Cat ("C for Cat")
23 - Ca.T.
24 - Cabaret
25 - Cabbage
26 - Cabbage Patches
27 - Cabbaraa
28 - Cabinze
29 - Cabo
30 - Caboodle
31 - Caboose
32 - Cacahuète
33 - Cacao
34 - Cad
35 - Cadbury
36 - Caddie
37 - Caddy
38 - Cadeca
39 - Cadence
40 - Cadet
41 - Cadillac
42 - Caduceus
43 - Caelin
44 - Caelin Le Mew
45 - Caesar
46 - Caesar Furmeister
47 - Caesar Salad
48 - Caeser
49 - Cafu
50 - Cagney
51 - Cagney and Lacey
52 - Caicos
53 - Caillou (after the cartoon character)
54 - Cain
55 - Cain (and Able)
56 - Caina
57 - Cairo
58 - Caisan
59 - Caitlin
60 - Caj Caj
61 - Caji
62 - Cajun
63 - Cake
64 - Cakes
65 - Cal
66 - Calaco
67 - Calamity
68 - Calamity Jane
69 - Calamity Roo The Wild Thing From Hell
70 - Caleb
71 - Caledonia
72 - Calhoun
73 - Cali
74 - Cali Girlie
75 - Calib
76 - Caliban
77 - Caliber
78 - Calico
79 - Calico Bob
80 - Calie
81 - California
82 - California Girl
83 - California Poppy
84 - Caligula
85 - CaliLeigh
86 - Calin (French meaning "hug")
87 - Caliope
88 - Calla Kitty
89 - Callah
90 - Callas
91 - Callaway Johnson
92 - Calli
93 - Calli (California)
94 - Callie
95 - Callie Kazoo
96 - Callie Klein
97 - Callie-Co
98 - Callieboo
99 - Calliope
100 - Calliopey
101 - Callipitter
102 - Callisto
103 - Calloway
104 - Cally
105 - Calpurnia
106 - Calpurrnia
107 - Calvert
108 - Calvin
109 - Caly
110 - Calypso
111 - Calyx
112 - Calzetines (Spanish for "socks")
113 - Calzone
114 - Calzé (Italian for "Socks")
115 - Camanche
116 - Camaro
117 - Cambyses
118 - Camden
119 - Camelot
120 - Camembert
121 - Cameo
122 - Cameron
123 - Cameron Adam
124 - Cami
125 - Camiko
126 - Camile
127 - Camilla
128 - Camille
129 - Camillo
130 - Camisa
131 - Cammie
132 - Cammy
133 - Camo
134 - Camry
135 - Camus
136 - Canaan
137 - Canalope
138 - Candace
139 - Candis
140 - Candsy
141 - Candy
142 - Candy Cane
143 - Candy Corn
144 - Candycane
145 - Candyman
146 - Canelle
147 - Canelo
148 - Canine Chaser
149 - Canis
150 - Cannoli
151 - Canterbury (after the Canterbury Tales)
152 - Canusa
153 - Canyon
154 - Caos
155 - Caper
156 - Capernica
157 - Capi
158 - Capo
159 - Capone
160 - Cappuccino
161 - Cappy
162 - Capreesch
163 - Caprice
164 - Capricious Kitty
165 - Capricorn
166 - Capt. Beauregard Schmoo-Diddeley (ret.)
167 - Captain
168 - Captain Cat
169 - Captain Caveman
170 - Captain Cuddlepuss
171 - Captain Cuddles
172 - Captain D
173 - Captain Furface
174 - Captain Jack (from the Pirates of the Carribean)
175 - Captain Kirk
176 - Captain Midnight
177 - Captain Nemo
178 - Captain Picard
179 - Captain Smoky
180 - Cara
181 - Cara de Changa
182 - Caradoc
183 - Caramba
184 - Caramel
185 - Caramel Cat
186 - Caramelo
187 - Caramia
188 - Carbon
189 - Carbucketty
190 - Cargo
191 - Cariboo
192 - Caribou
193 - Carla
194 - Carleen
195 - Carlisle
196 - Carlos
197 - Carly
198 - Carlyle
199 - Carmel
200 - Carmello
201 - Carmen
202 - Carmen Sandiego
203 - Carnation
204 - Carob
205 - Carolina
206 - Caroline
207 - Carolus Rex
208 - Carolyn
209 - Carousel
210 - Carpet Gator
211 - Carraway
212 - Carrie
213 - Carrie Chapman Cattt
214 - Carrie Nation
215 - Carrot
216 - Carson
217 - Carson Elliot Andrew
218 - Carter
219 - Cartier
220 - Cartoon Kitty
221 - Cartouche
222 - Caruso
223 - Casablanca
224 - Casanova
225 - Casbah
226 - Case Closed
227 - Casee
228 - Casey
229 - Cash
230 - Cashmere
231 - Cashmir
232 - Casie
233 - Casino
234 - Casookie
235 - Caspar
236 - Casper
237 - Caspian
238 - Caspian (from C.S. Lewis "The Chronicles of Narnia")
239 - Cassandra
240 - Cassandra Louise
241 - Cassanova
242 - Cassidy
243 - Cassie
244 - Cassimir
245 - Cassiopeia
246 - Cassiopia
247 - Cassiopia (after the constellation)
248 - Cassis
249 - Cassius
250 - Cassius Clay
251 - Cassy Crap In Pants
252 - Castaway
253 - Castle
254 - Castley
255 - Castor
256 - Castro
257 - Cat
258 - Cat Ballou
259 - Cat Cat
260 - Cat Dirt
261 - Cat Fish
262 - Cat From Hell
263 - Cat Kabob
264 - Cat King Coal
265 - Cat Stevens
266 - Cat!
267 - Cat'n Kidd
268 - Cat-lete
269 - Cat-Man-Doo
270 - Cat-Puppy-Bird-Fish
271 - Cat-rina
272 - Cataccino
273 - Catalina
274 - Catalina Kitty
275 - Catamaran
276 - Catastrophe
277 - Catastropheena
278 - Catastrophy
279 - Catatonic
280 - Catawba
281 - Catbert
282 - Catcall
283 - Catch
284 - Catera
285 - Caterina
286 - Catfish
287 - Cathal
288 - Cather
289 - Catherine
290 - Cathulu
291 - Catilda
292 - Catilla the Hun
293 - Catillac (play on Cadillac)
294 - Cation (atom or group of atoms carrying a positive charge)
295 - Catjo
296 - Catkin
297 - Catkin The Craven
298 - Catlin
299 - Catnip
300 - Catnochio
301 - Catnose
302 - Cato
303 - Catpachino
304 - Catrat
305 - Catrina
306 - Catrina Mai Tai
307 - Cats Domino
308 - Catsby
309 - Catsup
310 - Catsy
311 - Cattaira
312 - Cattastrophie
313 - Catte
314 - Cattelina
315 - Cattia
316 - Cattie
317 - Cattilla The Hon
318 - Cattle Vania (after Castle Vania)
319 - Cattspurr
320 - Cattulus (after an ancient Greek poet)
321 - Cattus
322 - Catty the cat
323 - Cattzenn
324 - Caty
325 - Catzilla
326 - Catzy
327 - Cauchmare
328 - Cauw
329 - Caviar
330 - Cayan
331 - Cayce
332 - Cayenne
333 - Cayenne Pepper
334 - Cayley
335 - Ceasar
336 - Ceaser
337 - Ceasta
338 - Cece
339 - Cecil
340 - Cecilia
341 - Cecily
342 - Cedric
343 - Cedric the Red
344 - Ceefer
345 - Ceezer
346 - Cefa
347 - Cefis
348 - Cefor
349 - Ceilidh
350 - Celebrity
351 - Celest
352 - Celeste
353 - Celestial
354 - Celia
355 - Celina
356 - Celine
357 - Celine (after Celine Dion)
358 - Celine Dion
359 - Cellaneous
360 - Cello
361 - Cellophane
362 - Celtic
363 - Centeotl (Aztec mythology: the corn god)
364 - Cents
365 - Cerebrum
366 - Cerebus
367 - Cerridwen
368 - Cerridwen (named for the Welsh Goddess of wisdom)
369 - Cesium (CEEZ-ee-yum, element that reacts violently to
370 - Cesser (pronounced Kessar)
371 - Cessie
372 - Cessna
373 - Ceylon (a Bombay)
374 - Cha Su Bao
375 - Cha-Cha
376 - Chablis
377 - Chacha
378 - Chaco
379 - Chad
380 - Chad "I love RC Cola!"
381 - Chaee
382 - Chaffon
383 - Chaia (Hebrew for "life")
384 - Chainsaw
385 - Chairman Meow
386 - Chalchiuhtlicue (Aztec mythology: the goddess of running
387 - Chalet
388 - Chalk
389 - Challenger
390 - Cham
391 - Chambray
392 - Chamois
393 - Champ
394 - Champagne
395 - Champaigne
396 - Champion
397 - Champs
398 - Chan
399 - Chance
400 - Chance (French for "luck")
401 - Chandler
402 - Chandler Bing (from the tv-series "Friends")
403 - Chandon (after the champagne)
404 - Chandra (after the East Indian name for "moonlight")
405 - Chanel
406 - Chang And Eng
407 - Change
408 - Changeling
409 - Chani Tailchaser
410 - Channa
411 - Chantel
412 - Chantelle
413 - Chantico (Aztec mythology: the goddess of hearth, fires,
and volcanoes)
414 - Chantilly
415 - Chantilly Lace
416 - Chaos
417 - Chaos (Kay-oss)
418 - Chaplin
419 - Chapman
420 - Char
421 - Charade
422 - Charbon
423 - Charcoal
424 - Chardy Bean
425 - Charge d' Affairs
426 - Charger
427 - Charise
428 - Charity
429 - Charleen
430 - Charlemagne
431 - Charlene
432 - Charles
433 - Charles Darwin
434 - Charles Montgomery Burns (Simpsons Character)
435 - Charleston
436 - Charley
437 - Charley Brown
438 - Charli Lickin Dickens
439 - Charlie
440 - Charlie Boy
441 - Charlie Brown
442 - Charlie Brown Cat
443 - Charlie Bucket
444 - Charlie Chan
445 - Charlie Chaplin
446 - Charlie Choo
447 - Charlie Chubbs
448 - Charlie Joe
449 - Charlie Q. Bopper (Q for "Quick")
450 - Charlie Sooty Garfield
451 - Charlie Tuna
452 - Charlotte
453 - Charm
454 - Charmer
455 - Charmin
456 - Charolette
457 - Charvet
458 - Chas
459 - Chase
460 - Chaser
461 - Chastity
462 - Chat
463 - Chat Noir
464 - Chatool
465 - Chatoyer
466 - Chats
467 - Chatte
468 - Chatton
469 - Chaucer
470 - Chauffeur
471 - Chauncey
472 - Chauncy
473 - Chavo
474 - Chaya
475 - Chaz
476 - Che Guevara
477 - Cheap Thrills
478 - Cheap Trills
479 - Chec
480 - Checca
481 - Check
482 - Checker
483 - Checkers
484 - Cheddar
485 - Cheddder
486 - Chee-Chee
487 - Chee-to
488 - Chee-toes
489 - Cheech
490 - Cheech And Chong
491 - Cheeko
492 - Cheeks
493 - Cheeky
494 - Cheerio
495 - Cheerleader
496 - Cheers
497 - Cheese!
498 - Cheeseball
499 - Cheeseburger
500 - Cheesecutter
501 - Cheeser
502 - Cheesey Annett
503 - Cheesie
504 - Cheesy
505 - Cheesy Poof
506 - Cheeta
507 - Cheetah
508 - Cheetara
509 - Cheeto
510 - Cheetos
511 - Chef
512 - Chekailarim
513 - Chekhov
514 - Chekov
515 - Chella
516 - Chelo
517 - Chelsea
518 - Cher Bear
519 - Cherokee
520 - Cherokee Cherrypie
521 - Cherrie
522 - Cherry
523 - Cherry Monster
524 - Cherry Pie
525 - Cherry Pig
526 - Cherry Plump
527 - Cherub
528 - Cherus
529 - Chery
530 - Cheryl
531 - Chesapeake
532 - Cheshire Cat
533 - Chesney Battersby Brown
534 - Chesnut
535 - Chessie
536 - Chester
537 - Chester the Jester
538 - Chestnut
539 - Chet
540 - Chevalier
541 - Chevi
542 - Chevis Regal
543 - Chevoux
544 - Chevy
545 - Chevy Chase
546 - Chevy-Cat
547 - Chew-Chew
548 - Chewbacca
549 - Chewball
550 - Chewbauka
551 - Chewie
552 - Chewy
553 - Chewy Fingers
554 - Chey
555 - Cheyenne
556 - Cheynenne
557 - Chez Lou
558 - ChezPaw
559 - Chi
560 - Chi Chi (Burmese for "Sweet Sweet")
561 - Chi-Chi
562 - Chi-Ki
563 - Chia Pet
564 - Chia-Chia
565 - Chianti
566 - Chiara
567 - Chiaroscuro
568 - Chibicat
569 - Chic
570 - Chica
571 - Chicago
572 - Chicago (the windy kitty)
573 - Chichi
574 - Chickasaw
575 - Chicken
576 - Chicken Butt
577 - Chicken Chow Meow
578 - Chicken Little
579 - Chickory
580 - Chicky
581 - Chiclet
582 - Chico
583 - Chico (Spanish for "little")
584 - Chicomecoatl (Aztec mythology: the goddess of corn and
585 - Chicory
586 - Chief
587 - Chieftan
588 - Chiffon
589 - Chigger
590 - Chikapoo
591 - Chile (Pepper)
592 - Chili
593 - Chili Jauqin Mcgee (three famous baseball players)
594 - Chili Pepper
595 - Chills
596 - Chilly-Bit
597 - Chimi
598 - Chimichanga (Mexican dish)
599 - Chin
600 - Chin-Chin
601 - China
602 - China Cat
603 - China Cat Sunflower
604 - China Doll
605 - China Girl
606 - Chinchilla
607 - Chinette (from a book by Colette)
608 - Chink
609 - Chinny Chin Chin
610 - Chino
611 - Chinois
612 - Chinook
613 - Chinta
614 - Chintz
615 - Chip
616 - Chipeta
617 - Chipmeister
618 - Chipmunk
619 - Chipolata (after the dessert)
620 - Chipper
621 - Chipper Jr.
622 - Chippermunk
623 - Chippie
624 - Chippy
625 - Chippychip
626 - Chips
627 - Chips-Ahoy
628 - Chipsie
629 - Chipstix
630 - Chiquita
631 - Chirico
632 - Chirito
633 - Chispa (Spanish for "spark")
634 - Chita
635 - Chitchat
636 - Chitters
637 - Chivas
638 - Chivas Regal
639 - Chiya
640 - Chloe
641 - Chloe Ash
642 - Chloe Macaroni
643 - Chloe-butt
644 - Chloelina
645 - Chloemeister
646 - Chloence J.
647 - Chlomeister
648 - Chlopi
649 - Cho Mein
650 - Cho-Cho
651 - Cho-Cho-San
652 - Choad
653 - Chockus-stockus
654 - Chocky
655 - Choco-latte
656 - Choco-Paws
657 - Chocolata
658 - Chocolate
659 - Chocolate Cookie Cat
660 - Chocolate Mousse
661 - Choctaw
662 - Choker
663 - Chole
664 - Cholo
665 - Chong
666 - Choo Boo
667 - Choo Choo Charlie
668 - Choo-Choo
669 - Chooberry Boo
670 - Chooch
671 - Chooch Pooch
672 - Choochie
673 - Choochie Pooh
674 - Choosen
675 - Chopin (pronounced "Shopan")
676 - Chopper
677 - Choppo
678 - Chops
679 - Chopsticks
680 - Chorizo
681 - Chotchke
682 - Chow
683 - Chow Chow
684 - Chow Down
685 - Chowder
686 - Chowderhead
687 - Chris
688 - Chris Purr-ez
689 - Chrischat
690 - Chrissie
691 - Chrissie Tina
692 - Christabelle
693 - Christian
694 - Christie
695 - Christina
696 - Christine
697 - Christmas Cat
698 - Christmas Eve Princess Six Toes
699 - Christofur
700 - Christoper
701 - Christopher
702 - Christopher Curlumbus
703 - Christopher Robin
704 - Christy
705 - Chrome
706 - Chrysoberyl
707 - Chub Chub Kitty
708 - Chubbers
709 - Chubbette
710 - Chubbie
711 - Chubbles
712 - Chubbs
713 - Chubby
714 - Chubcub
715 - Chubfish
716 - Chublybumkins
717 - Chubs
718 - Chubserelli
719 - Chuck
720 - Chuckie
721 - Chuckie Cheeser
722 - Chuckie Joseph
723 - Chucklehead
724 - Chuckles
725 - Chucky
726 - Chula (after Prince Chula Chakrabongse, member of Siam's
royal family)
727 - Chulzpa
728 - Chumbles (after the band Chumbawamba)
729 - Chumley
730 - Chump
731 - Chunk
732 - Chunks
733 - Chunky
734 - Chupa
735 - Chuppy
736 - Church
737 - Churchill
738 - Churchlady
739 - Churchmouser
740 - Chusko
741 - Chutney
742 - Chuty
743 - Chutzpa
744 - Chynna
745 - Ci-Ci
746 - Ciao
747 - Ciate (pronounced "C.A.T.")
748 - Cica
749 - Cicero
750 - Cici
751 - Cid
752 - Ciera
753 - Cigi
754 - Cigunia
755 - Cihuacoatl (Aztec mythology: goddess whose roaring signalled
756 - Ciji
757 - Cika
758 - Cika (Zairois for "stop that")
759 - Cilla (after the singer Cilla Black)
760 - Cimarron
761 - Cimcime
762 - Cimmy
763 - Cinamin
764 - Cinawei
765 - Cincicatti
766 - Cinco
767 - Cinda
768 - Cindee
769 - Cinder
770 - Cinder Kitty
771 - Cinderblock
772 - Cinderell
773 - Cinderella
774 - Cinders
775 - Cindii
776 - Cindy
777 - Cindy Roo
778 - Cinema
779 - Cinfetti
780 - Cinii
781 - Cinjun
782 - Cinnabar
783 - Cinnabun
784 - Cinnamon
785 - Cinnamon Bear
786 - Cinnamon Buns
787 - Cinnamon Cookie
788 - Cinnamon Crumb Cake
789 - Cinni Mini
790 - Cinnomin
791 - Cinthia
792 - Cira
793 - Circa
794 - Circe
795 - Cirocco
796 - Cirrus
797 - Cisco
798 - Cisco Kid
799 - Cissy
800 - Cissy-Kitty
801 - Cit Bolon Tum (Maya mythology: one of two gods of medicine)
802 - Citron
803 - Citrus
804 - City Kitty
805 - Civetta
806 - Clack
807 - Claire
808 - Clairisse
809 - Clanci
810 - Clancy
811 - Clara
812 - Clarabelle
813 - Clarence
814 - Clarence Darrow
815 - Claret
816 - Clarice
817 - Clarissa
818 - Clark
819 - Clark Gable
820 - Clarke
821 - Classy
822 - Classy Cat
823 - Claude
824 - Claude Debussey
825 - Claude Monet
826 - Claudia
827 - Claudius
828 - Claudius Augustus
829 - Claus
830 - Clause
831 - Clavulox
832 - Claw
833 - Clawde
834 - Clawdette
835 - Clawdius
836 - Clawdya
837 - Clawed
838 - Clawed Monet
839 - Claws
840 - Clay
841 - Claymore
842 - Clea
843 - Cleatis
844 - Clem
845 - Clem Bob
846 - Clem Bob, the Arkansas Barn Cat
847 - Clementine
848 - Cleo
849 - Cleocatra
850 - Cleopatchie
851 - Cleopatra
852 - Cleveland
853 - Cliché
854 - Click
855 - Clide
856 - Cliff
857 - Cliffhanger
858 - Clifford
859 - Cliffy
860 - Clifton
861 - Climber
862 - Cling
863 - Clinger
864 - Clinkers
865 - Clint
866 - Clint Eastwood
867 - Clio
868 - Clipper
869 - Clive
870 - Cloe
871 - Cloey
872 - Clone
873 - Clorox
874 - Cloud
875 - Cloudwalker
876 - Cloudy
877 - Clouseau (after the character in the Pink Panther movies)
878 - Clove
879 - Clover
880 - Clovis
881 - Clowie
882 - Clues
883 - Clumsy Cat
884 - Clyde
885 - Clyde Guy
886 - Clydester
887 - Coach
888 - Coach Potato
889 - Coal
890 - Coaldust
891 - Cobarde (Spanish for "coward")
892 - Cobie
893 - Cobol
894 - Coca
895 - Cocaine
896 - Cocca Alicia
897 - Cocca Ciro
898 - Cocca Eduardo
899 - Cocca Mae
900 - Cochice
901 - Cockpit
902 - Coco
903 - Coco Bean
904 - Coco Loco
905 - Coco The Campin' Kitty
906 - Cocoa
907 - Cocoa (cocoa Jumbo)
908 - Cococabana
909 - Coconut
910 - Cocopuff
911 - Coda
912 - Cody
913 - Coffee
914 - Cognac
915 - Cohen
916 - Coke
917 - Cola
918 - Colby
919 - Cole
920 - Cole Porter
921 - Colette
922 - Colla
923 - Collision
924 - Collision of Course
925 - Colonel
926 - Colores (Spanisch for "colors")
927 - Colorfur
928 - Colt
929 - Colten
930 - Coltrane
931 - Columbia
932 - Columbine
933 - Columbo
934 - Columbus
935 - Comedian
936 - Comedienne
937 - Comedy Central
938 - Comelia
939 - Comet
940 - Comet Tail
941 - Comfy
942 - Comiskey
943 - Comma
944 - Commotion
945 - Compadre
946 - Competition
947 - Compucat
948 - Comstock
949 - Comus
950 - Con Con
951 - Conan
952 - Concon
953 - Condo
954 - Condor
955 - Confection
956 - Confetti
957 - Confucius
958 - Conga
959 - Congo
960 - Conio
961 - Conjurer
962 - Connie
963 - Connie Purrrrfect
964 - Connor
965 - Conrad
966 - Conscience
967 - Constance
968 - Constantine
969 - Contessa
970 - Control
971 - Conway Kitty
972 - Conway Twitty
973 - Coo
974 - Cookie
975 - Cookie And Cutter
976 - Cookie Dough
977 - Cookie Monster
978 - Cookies-n-Cream
979 - Cooking Fat
980 - Cool
981 - Coon
982 - Coon-cat
983 - Coonie
984 - Coonkitty
985 - Coonmainea's Firebird Of Ambar
986 - Coop
987 - Cooper
988 - Coors
989 - Coors Lite
990 - Coosa (after the river in Alabama)
991 - Cooter
992 - CootieBug
993 - Cop
994 - Cop Jr.
995 - Copernicus
996 - Copley
997 - Copper
998 - Copper Penny
999 - Copper Tazmina Of Yasmine
1000 - Copy
1001 - Coquette
1002 - Coquille
1003 - Corafin
1004 - Coral
1005 - Corazon
1006 - Corbin
1007 - Corbin (from the movie The Fifth Element)
1008 - Cordelia
1009 - Cordial
1010 - Cordoba
1011 - Corduroy (after the Pearl Jam song)
1012 - Corelli (after the composer Arcangelo Corelli)
1013 - Corey
1014 - Cori
1015 - Coricopat
1016 - Corielle
1017 - Corinna
1018 - Corinne
1019 - Corkscrew
1020 - Corky
1021 - Cornelius
1022 - Cornell (Wilde-Cat)
1023 - Corney Cats
1024 - Cornflake
1025 - Corona
1026 - Coronado
1027 - Coronet
1028 - Correy
1029 - Corrigan
1030 - Corrina
1031 - Corsair
1032 - Corvette
1033 - Cory
1034 - Cosby
1035 - Cosenza
1036 - Cosette
1037 - Cosine
1038 - Cosmic
1039 - Cosmo
1040 - Cosmo Jack
1041 - Cossacks Varuska
1042 - Costner
1043 - Cotton
1044 - Cotton Candy
1045 - Cotton Rat (reverse initial consonants)
1046 - Couch Potato
1047 - Cougar
1048 - Couger
1049 - Couldn'tpossiblybemycat
1050 - Count
1051 - Count Basie
1052 - Count Chocula
1053 - Count Katula
1054 - Count KittyKat
1055 - Countach
1056 - Countess
1057 - Countess Minuet Patch
1058 - Countess Rumpleteazer Cattulus Anastasia Hecate-Baalith
of Kalma Neffertiti Baghera Bastet la chate noire
1059 - Countessa Wilhelmina
1060 - Country Kitty
1061 - Coup
1062 - Coupten
1063 - Courage
1064 - Courtney
1065 - Courvoisier
1066 - Couscous
1067 - Cousie
1068 - Cousine (French for "cousin")
1069 - Cousteau
1070 - Cow
1071 - Cowboy
1072 - Cowboy Kitty
1073 - Cowfoit
1074 - Cowgirl
1075 - Cozmo
1076 - Cozy
1077 - Cozy-mozy
1078 - Crabby
1079 - Cracker
1080 - Crackers
1081 - Crafty
1082 - Cranberry
1083 - Crasant
1084 - Crash
1085 - Crater
1086 - Crawdad
1087 - Crawford
1088 - Crayon
1089 - Crazy
1090 - Crazy Cat
1091 - Crazy Kitty
1092 - Crazy Otto
1093 - Cream
1094 - Creampuff
1095 - Creamsicle
1096 - Creamsoda
1097 - Creature
1098 - Creeper
1099 - Creme
1100 - Creola (named for the Jimmy Buffett song)
1101 - Crescent
1102 - Cresent
1103 - Crestone
1104 - Crick
1105 - Cricket
1106 - Criendger
1107 - Crier
1108 - Criffin
1109 - Crimson
1110 - Cringer (after the tiger in the "He-Man"
1111 - Cris
1112 - Crisco
1113 - Crispy
1114 - Crisslynn
1115 - Crissy Cat
1116 - Cristyl
1117 - Critter
1118 - Critters
1119 - Crockett
1120 - Crocus
1121 - Croissant
1122 - Cromwell
1123 - Crookshanks (Hermione's cat in the Harry Potter books)
1124 - Crooksy
1125 - Crosby
1126 - Cross
1127 - Crotchety Ol' Man
1128 - Crouton
1129 - Crow Jane
1130 - Cruella
1131 - Cruise Around Kitty B. Raines Cat
1132 - Cruiser
1133 - Crumb
1134 - Crumble
1135 - Crumpet
1136 - Crunch [White]
1137 - Cruncher
1138 - Crunchie
1139 - Crusader
1140 - Crusoe
1141 - Crusty
1142 - Crut
1143 - Crybaby
1144 - Crystabelle
1145 - Crystal
1146 - Crystal Blue
1147 - Crystal Smoke
1148 - Crystal Star
1149 - Cthulhu (from H.P. Lovecraft)
1150 - Cuba
1151 - Cubagoodingjunior
1152 - Cubby
1153 - Cuca
1154 - Cucaracha
1155 - Cuchicuchi
1156 - Cucina
1157 - Cuckoo
1158 - Cuddlebug
1159 - Cuddler
1160 - Cuddles
1161 - Cuddly
1162 - Cue
1163 - Cuervo
1164 - Cuffles
1165 - Cuffy
1166 - Cujo
1167 - Culver
1168 - Cumulus
1169 - Cunch Punch
1170 - Cupcake
1171 - Cupid
1172 - Curious
1173 - Curious George
1174 - Curlie
1175 - Curly
1176 - Curmudgeon
1177 - Curry
1178 - Curtains
1179 - Cury (short for Curiosity)
1180 - Cusco
1181 - Custard
1182 - Custer
1183 - Cute
1184 - Cutey Button
1185 - Cuthbert
1186 - Cutie
1187 - Cutie Pie
1188 - Cutie-Patutie
1189 - Cutie-Pie
1190 - Cutiekins
1191 - Cutiepants
1192 - Cuttie Boodie
1193 - Cy
1194 - Cyan
1195 - Cyann
1196 - Cybermax
1197 - Cyclohexitol Inositol
1198 - Cyclops (one eyed monster)
1199 - Cygnus
1200 - Cygnus X1
1201 - Cymbeline (Shakespearean play, rhymes with thin - and
- lean)
1202 - Cyndar
1203 - Cyndy Maupurr
1204 - Cyparissus (male, from greek myhology)
1205 - Cypress
1206 - Cyprus
1207 - Cyrano
1208 - Cyrano de Beaurecat
1209 - Cyril
1210 - Cyrus
1211 - Cyrus Rumblethump
1212 - Czar |