Cat Names Starting with B |
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cat names that start with B |
- B-52
2 - B-dee
3 - B-Girl
4 - B-Pal
5 - B.A.
6 - B.A. (Bad Attitude!)
7 - B.A. Barrakus
8 - B.B.
9 - B.B. Kat
10 - B.B. King
11 - B.B. Kingcat
12 - B.C.
13 - B.C. ("Buttercup")
14 - B.C. (Big Cat)
15 - B.D. ("Black Douglas", after the feisty Scottish
16 - B.D. (Bad Boy)
17 - B.D. (Brain-Dead)
18 - B.D.K. ("Buddy D. Katt")
19 - B.e.r.u. (Banana Emergency Recovery Unit, also Luke Skywalkers
aunt and an island in the Pacific Ocean)
20 - B.G.
21 - B.J.
22 - B.J. (Tom Robbin's character Bonanza Jellybean)
23 - B.K.
24 - B.M.W. (Black, Mahogany & White)
25 - B.O.T. (Big Old Tom)
26 - B.u.d. ("Big Ugly and Dumb")
27 - B.W.
28 - B.W. (Black White)
29 - BA
30 - Ba Shaleek Alshain
31 - Ba' Boy
32 - Baba
33 - Babaganoush
34 - Babalou (after the tv show)
35 - Babar
36 - Babbaboombanorsh
37 - Babbit
38 - Babbitt
39 - Babe
40 - Babee
41 - Babers
42 - Babester
43 - Babette
44 - Babirusa
45 - Baboo
46 - Baboon Butt
47 - Babricus
48 - Babs (after Barbra Streisand)
49 - Babsy
50 - Babuji Braveheart
51 - Babur
52 - Babushka
53 - Baby
54 - Baby Bear
55 - Baby Beauty
56 - Baby Boogens
57 - Baby Boy
58 - Baby Bug
59 - Baby Butterscotch
60 - Baby Cakes
61 - Baby Cat
62 - Baby Doe (sort of a Jane Doe thang)
63 - Baby Dog
64 - Baby Doll
65 - Baby Doo II
66 - Baby Dumpling
67 - Baby Girl
68 - Baby Grey.
69 - Baby Guiness
70 - Baby Head
71 - Baby Jane
72 - Baby Jesus
73 - Baby Ki'n
74 - Baby Kitten
75 - Baby Kitty
76 - Baby Kitty And Trouble
77 - Baby Mimi
78 - Baby Nesbit
79 - Baby Ruth
80 - Baby Spice
81 - Baby Weeeeeeezel the little Frrrrrench Chat
82 - Baby-Boogs
83 - Baby-Doll
84 - Baby-Doo
85 - Baby-Face
86 - Baby-Kitty
87 - Baby-Roca (named after two favorite candies, Baby Ruth
and Almond Roca)
88 - Babycakes
89 - Babycat
90 - Babydoll
91 - Babyface
92 - Babygray
93 - Babykins
94 - Babyman
95 - Babyshoes
96 - Babytat
97 - Bacabs (Maya mythology: the canopic gods)
98 - Bacall
99 - Bacardi
100 - Baccarat
101 - Bacchos
102 - Bacchus
103 - Bacci (pronounced: Baa-chie; Italian for "kisses")
104 - Bach
105 - Baci
106 - Back
107 - Backstreet Blues
108 - Backstreet Kitty
109 - Bacon
110 - Bad Bad Boy
111 - Bad Bad Leroy Brown
112 - Bad Bess
113 - Bad Cat
114 - Bad Kitty
115 - Bad Luck
116 - Bada
117 - Badger
118 - Badjun
119 - Badlands
120 - Badness
121 - BadShad
122 - Baeki
123 - Bafftub
124 - Bag
125 - Bag Lady
126 - Bag O'Cat
127 - Bagel
128 - Baggage
129 - Baggi pants
130 - Baggins
131 - Baggy
132 - Bagheera
133 - Baghera (black panther in "The Jungle Book")
134 - Baghreeah
135 - Bagira
136 - Bagoas
137 - Bagpuss
138 - Baguette
139 - Bahama Mama
140 - Bailey
141 - Bailey Emerald Isle
142 - Bailey's Irish Cream (50% sweetness and 50% nuts)
143 - Bain
144 - Bainbridge
145 - Baja
146 - Bajan
147 - Baka (Japanese insult, "idiot", "moron",
"fool", "dimwit")
148 - Baka-Neko
149 - Baker
150 - Baker (after the mountain in North Carolina, USA)
151 - Baksheesh (means "bribe" in Arabic)
152 - Balaena
153 - Balbina
154 - Balboa
155 - Balder (Viking mythology: The God of light)
156 - Balderdash
157 - Baldric
158 - Baldrick
159 - Baldur
160 - Baldur The Fairly Slow
161 - Baldwin
162 - Baldy
163 - Bali
164 - Balik
165 - Balin
166 - Balki
167 - Ballbearing Mouse Trap
168 - Ballerina
169 - Ballou
170 - Baloo
171 - Balraj
172 - Balthazar
173 - Balzac
174 - Bam
175 - Bam-Bam
176 - Bama
177 - Bambalona
178 - Bambam
179 - Bambi
180 - Bambina
181 - Bambino
182 - Bamboo
183 - Bamboozler
184 - Bams
185 - Bamse
186 - Banana Cabana
187 - Banana Peel
188 - Band-Aid
189 - Bandanna
190 - Bandit
191 - Bandito
192 - Bang (reference to the Unix ! symbol)
193 - Bangladesh
194 - Bangle
195 - Bangui (capital of Central African Republic)
196 - Banjo
197 - Bannana Fanna
198 - Bannenay
199 - Banner
200 - Banquet
201 - Banquo
202 - Banshee
203 - Banzai
204 - Bar Room
205 - Baracca
206 - Barbara
207 - Barbara Bush
208 - Barbarella (after the Jane Fonda movie)
209 - Barbarian
210 - Barbarino
211 - Barbi (after Barbara Streisand)
212 - Barbossa
213 - Barclay
214 - Bardee
215 - Barfly
216 - Barfolemeow
217 - Bariska
218 - Barkley
219 - Barky
220 - Barley
221 - Barley-Boo
222 - Barn Cat
223 - Barnabas (so named for Barnabas Collins of Dark Shadows)
224 - Barnabus (after the vampire Barnabus Collins)
225 - Barnaby
226 - Barnaby Jones
227 - Barnacle
228 - Barnacle Bill (Barney)
229 - Barney
230 - Barney Cat
231 - Barney Giggles
232 - Barney Googles
233 - Barney Munsch O'Malley
234 - Baron
235 - Baron Mungojerrie Chaia Reisinho von Rumplestiltzkin-Sylvester
236 - Baroque
237 - Barou
238 - Barrett
239 - Barretta
240 - Barrington
241 - Barron
242 - Bart
243 - Bart Maverick
244 - Bartholimew
245 - Bartholomew
246 - Bartleby
247 - Bartlee
248 - Bartles
249 - Bartles and James
250 - Bartlett
251 - Bartleyboo
252 - Barton
253 - Bas (Dutch name)
254 - Base
255 - Baseball
256 - Basel
257 - Bashan
258 - Bashful
259 - Bashfuly
260 - Basia
261 - Basic
262 - Basil
263 - Basil Ratbones
264 - Basket O'Cat
265 - Basket-case
266 - Baskin-Robbins
267 - Basque
268 - Basquiat
269 - Bass
270 - Bast
271 - Bastet
272 - Bastet (Egyptian cat-goddess)
273 - Bastion
274 - Bastu
275 - Bat Baby
276 - Bat Cat
277 - Bat Face
278 - Bat Kitty
279 - Batal (Female Arabian name, meaning "hero")
280 - Batale (Female Arabian name, meaning "heroine")
281 - Batface
282 - Bathilda Christine
283 - Bathsheba
284 - Batly
285 - Batman
286 - Batman And Robin
287 - Battina
288 - Battlecat
289 - Battlescar Gallacticat
290 - Batty
291 - Batty Cat
292 - Batwings
293 - Baudelaire
294 - Baur (after the inline skates)
295 - Bauzeur
296 - Bawdy
297 - Baxter
298 - Baxter (after Mount Katahdin Baxter State Park, Piscataquis
county, Maine, USA)
299 - Bayda (Female Arabian name, meaning "white")
300 - Bayley
301 - Bayou
302 - Baz (from the longest name in the Bible, Maher-shalal-hash-baz)
303 - Bazoo (French for "Old one")
304 - Bazooka
305 - BB
306 - BB Baby
307 - Be Be
308 - Be'Be'
309 - Bea
310 - Beach
311 - Beachbaby
312 - Beachcomber
313 - Beached Whale
314 - Beachnut
315 - Beachwood
316 - Beacon
317 - Beak
318 - Beaker
319 - Bealzebub
320 - Beamer
321 - Beamer (BMW)
322 - Beamish
323 - Bean
324 - Beaner Leener
325 - Beanie
326 - Beanie Baby
327 - Beanor
328 - Beans
329 - Bear
330 - Bear Bear
331 - Bear Cat
332 - Bear of Very Little Brain
333 - Bear-Bear
334 - Bear-we-got(ski)
335 - Beard
336 - Beardpuller
337 - Beardums
338 - Beardy
339 - Bearlock Holmes
340 - Bearly
341 - Bearly-there
342 - Bearton
343 - Beashue
344 - Beast
345 - Beastcat
346 - Beastie
347 - Beastie Boy
348 - Beatrice
349 - Beattlejuice
350 - Beau
351 - Beau Cat
352 - Beau-lander
353 - Beau-man
354 - BeauCat
355 - Beaucoup
356 - Beaudreaux
357 - Beaufort
358 - Beauragard
359 - Beauregard
360 - Beautiful
361 - Beautiful Blue Eyes
362 - Beautty
363 - Beauty
364 - Beauty School Drop-Out
365 - Beauty the Cat
366 - Beaver Sue
367 - Beavis
368 - Beavis And Butthead
369 - Bebe
370 - Bebee
371 - Bebert
372 - Bebo
373 - Bechamel
374 - Becka
375 - Beckett
376 - Beckett's Lady Ruth
377 - Beckham
378 - Becky
379 - Bedford
380 - Bedouin
381 - Bee-Bul
382 - Beebee
383 - Beebop
384 - Beebs
385 - Beebus
386 - Beecham
387 - Beechnut
388 - Beedo
389 - Beefcake
390 - Beefeater
391 - Beefy
392 - Beefy Mae
393 - Beeju
394 - Beelzebub
395 - Beelzebub (Bee EL zah BUB)
396 - Beenie
397 - Beentsy
398 - Beep You
399 - Beep-Beep
400 - Beeper
401 - Beeps
402 - Beer
403 - Beertje (Dutch for "little bear")
404 - Bees
405 - Beeswax
406 - Beethoven
407 - Beetle
408 - Beetle E. Bailey
409 - Beetlejuice
410 - Beeyoootiful
411 - Beez Louise
412 - Beezer
413 - Beezlebub
414 - Beezo
415 - Beggin' Earl Jackson
416 - Begonia
417 - Behemoth
418 - Behr
419 - Beija (Portugese for "kiss")
420 - Bel-Ami
421 - Bela (named after Bela Lugosi and pronounced: BAY-la)
422 - Bela Lugosi
423 - Belabella
424 - Belfry
425 - Belgarath the Sorcerer
426 - Belinda
427 - Belka
428 - Bell
429 - Bella
430 - Bella Mia
431 - Belladonna
432 - Bellatrix
433 - Bellboy
434 - Belle
435 - Belle Poitrine (French for "beautiful chest")
(after the character in the musical "Little Me")
436 - Belle Watling
437 - Belle-Belle
438 - Bellina
439 - Bellissima
440 - Bellissimo
441 - Bello (Spanisch for "Beautiful")
442 - Bells
443 - Belly Boy
444 - Belly Button
445 - Belly Girl
446 - Belly Lint
447 - Belochka
448 - Beloved
449 - Beluga
450 - Belvedere
451 - Belvedere (after a freeway exit in Marin County, CA)
452 - Belvy
453 - Bemol
454 - Ben
455 - Ben And Jerry
456 - Ben Her
457 - Ben Hur
458 - Benazir
459 - Benedick
460 - Benedict
461 - Benedict Arnold
462 - Benet
463 - Bengal
464 - Bengali
465 - Benito (after Benito Mussolini)
466 - Benjamin
467 - Benjamin Franklin Purrs
468 - Benjamin Norman Bates
469 - Benji (after the movie)
470 - Benkelman (after the town in Nebraska, USA)
471 - Bennett
472 - Benni
473 - Bennie
474 - Bennington
475 - Benny
476 - Benny von Munchkin
477 - Bensien
478 - Benson
479 - Bentley
480 - Bently
481 - Benz
482 - Benz-a-licker
483 - Benzo
484 - Benzy
485 - Beowoof
486 - Beowulf
487 - Beppie
488 - Bequest
489 - Beraal
490 - Berber
491 - Beret
492 - Beretta (after the firearm)
493 - Bergen
494 - Berkeley
495 - Berlin
496 - Berma
497 - Bern-stein
498 - Bernadette
499 - Bernard
500 - Bernice
501 - Bernie
502 - Bernini
503 - Berry
504 - Berry Cute
505 - Bert
506 - Berta
507 - Bertha
508 - Bertie
509 - Besmyertnik
510 - Bess
511 - Bessemer
512 - Besseya
513 - Besseya The Fearless
514 - Bessie
515 - Best
516 - Bestling
517 - Beta
518 - Betelguece
519 - Beth
520 - Beth Anne
521 - Beth Gatlin
522 - Bethany
523 - Bethina (seal point Himi)
524 - Betsy
525 - Betsy Rose
526 - Bette
527 - Bette Davis
528 - Bette Davis Eyes
529 - Bettilla
530 - Bettina
531 - Betty
532 - Betty Boop
533 - Betty Kitty
534 - Betty Poop
535 - Beulah
536 - Beverly
537 - Bewitched
538 - Beyonce
539 - Bialy
540 - Bianca
541 - Bianco
542 - Bibbers
543 - Bibby
544 - Bibi
545 - Bibibig
546 - Bibs
547 - Bicki
548 - Biddy
549 - Bierstadt
550 - Biff
551 - Big
552 - Big Abe
553 - Big Baby
554 - Big Bad Baby Beau
555 - Big Bad Baby Bentley Billy Joe Bob
556 - Big Bag
557 - Big Bear
558 - Big Beau
559 - Big Ben
560 - Big Black
561 - Big Boo
562 - Big Boy
563 - Big Cat
564 - Big Dipper
565 - Big Dog
566 - Big Fat Monster Cat
567 - Big Fat Yellow Cat aka Ringo
568 - Big Foot
569 - Big Galoot
570 - Big Girl
571 - Big Guy
572 - Big Hairy Cat
573 - Big Headed Galoot
574 - Big Kitty
575 - Big Kitty Pye
576 - Big Lummox
577 - Big Mama
578 - Big Min
579 - Big Mom
580 - Big Momma Kitty
581 - Big Precious
582 - Big Puss
583 - Big Red
584 - Big Runt
585 - Big Skinny Cat
586 - Big Time
587 - Big White Boy
588 - Big White Boy Kitty
589 - Big Yellow Cat
590 - Big-Baby Blubber-Whimp
591 - Bigboy
592 - Bigface
593 - Bigfoot
594 - Bigfoot The Brain Dead Kitty
595 - Bigga Boy
596 - Bigger
597 - Biggie Boy
598 - Biggles
599 - Bigglesworth
600 - Bigguy
601 - Bigkitty
602 - Bigmac
603 - BigMouth
604 - Bijou (French for "jewel")
605 - Biker
606 - Biker Coon
607 - Biko
608 - Bikuchi ("chikubi" backwards, Japanese for
609 - Bilbo
610 - Bilbo Baggins
611 - Bill
612 - Bill (comic-strip Bill the Cat)
613 - Bill Howard
614 - Bill The Hell Cat
615 - Bill Widders
616 - Billabong
617 - Billbull
618 - Billie
619 - Billie Jo
620 - Billy
621 - Billy Boy
622 - Billy Button
623 - Billy Jack
624 - Billy the Kit
625 - Billyboy
626 - Bilqna
627 - Bimbo
628 - Bimini
629 - Bina
630 - Binbin
631 - Bindi Sue (after the daughter of Steve "The Crocodile
Hunter" Irwin)
632 - Bing
633 - Bing and Bong
634 - Bing Crosby
635 - Bing-ben
636 - Bingo
637 - Bink
638 - Binki
639 - Binkley
640 - Binks (black cat in the movie Hocus Pocus)
641 - Binky
642 - Bintje
643 - Binx
644 - Binx (black cat in the movie Hocus Pocus)
645 - Bira (after Prince Birabongse Bhanutej Bhanubandh, member
of Siam's royal family)
646 - Bird
647 - Birdy
648 - Birgitte
649 - Birka (after the ancient Viking trading center on the
isle of Björkö)
650 - Birthday
651 - Bis
652 - Biscotti
653 - Biscuit
654 - Biscuit The Neversick
655 - Bishop
656 - Bisket
657 - Bismarck
658 - Bisou
659 - Bisou (French for "peck on the cheek")
660 - Bister
661 - Bistro
662 - Bit
663 - Bitch
664 - Bitch Ass
665 - Bitchie-Vitchie
666 - Bitey
667 - Bitney
668 - Bits
669 - Bitsey
670 - Bitsy
671 - Bitsy Pookums
672 - Bitter juice
673 - Bitters
674 - Bitty
675 - Bitty-bit
676 - Bitu
677 - Bixbee Tortise Shell
678 - Bizkit
679 - Bizzy
680 - BJ
681 - Bj
682 - Bjork
683 - Bjte Noir
684 - Black
685 - Black A
686 - Black Beauty
687 - Black Bomber
688 - Black Boy
689 - Black Cat
690 - Black Elk (named for the Lakota Holy Man)
691 - Black Eyes
692 - Black Foot
693 - Black Imp
694 - Black Jack
695 - Black Kitten
696 - Black Kitty
697 - Black Kitty Cat
698 - Black Label
699 - Black Lady
700 - Black Magic Secret
701 - Black Magic Woman
702 - Black Moustache
703 - Black Nettik
704 - Black Onyx
705 - Black Pearl
706 - Black Peter
707 - Black Sambuca
708 - Black Spot
709 - Black Stuff
710 - Black Tabby
711 - Black Velvet
712 - Blackberry
713 - Blackbird
714 - Blackey Blue Eyes
715 - Blackie
716 - Blackitty
717 - Blackjack
718 - Blackman
719 - Blackone
720 - Blackstein
721 - Blacky
722 - Blade
723 - Blake
724 - Blanca
725 - Blanche
726 - Blanche the Cat
727 - Blarney
728 - Blaster
729 - Blaxie
730 - Blaze
731 - Blaze Starr Bleach
732 - Blea
733 - Bleach
734 - Blender Guts
735 - Bleu
736 - Bleu Cheez
737 - Blight
738 - Blimp
739 - Blimpette
740 - Blimpie
741 - Blimpy
742 - Blinken
743 - Blinky
744 - Blinx
745 - Blip
746 - Blitzen
747 - Blizzard
748 - Blob Cat
749 - Blobcat
750 - Blonde Bombshell
751 - Blondie
752 - Blooper
753 - Blosom
754 - Blossom
755 - Blot
756 - Blotch
757 - Blotto
758 - Blu
759 - Blubber
760 - Blue
761 - Blue Baby
762 - Blue Bell
763 - Blue Bijou
764 - Blue Boy
765 - Blue Comet
766 - Blue Danube
767 - Blue Emerald
768 - Blue Eyes
769 - Blue Fuzzy Tiger
770 - Blue Light Special
771 - Blue Monday
772 - Blue Money
773 - Blue Passion
774 - Blue Rocket
775 - Blue Sapphire
776 - Blue's Baby
777 - Blue's Baby Beatrice
778 - Bluebeard
779 - BlueBelle
780 - Blueberry
781 - Blueberry Muffin
782 - Blueberry Peach Parfait
783 - Bluella
784 - Blueprint
785 - Blues
786 - Bluestar (cat from the "Warriors" bookseries)
787 - Bluey
788 - Blunder
789 - Blur
790 - Blurry Cat
791 - Blurry Kitty
792 - Blurt
793 - Bluster
794 - Bluto
795 - Blynken
796 - Bo
797 - Bo Bo
798 - Bo Didley
799 - Bo Peep
800 - Bo-head
801 - Boa
802 - Boadecia
803 - Boar Deaux
804 - Boaz
805 - Bob
806 - Bob Dole
807 - Bobbers
808 - Bobbie
809 - Bobbie Joe
810 - Bobbin
811 - Bobbobmicbobob
812 - Bobbos
813 - Bobby
814 - Bobby Brown
815 - Bobby Socks
816 - Bobcat
817 - Bobin
818 - Bobinski
819 - Bobo
820 - Boca
821 - Boccaccio
822 - Bocelli
823 - Bocephus
824 - Bocephus Twilliger
825 - Bodacious
826 - Bodeer
827 - Bodhi
828 - Bodhi Or Bodhisattva
829 - Bodi
830 - Bodie
831 - Body
832 - Boffin
833 - Bogart
834 - Bogart Or Bogie
835 - Bogey
836 - Bogeyman
837 - Boginator
838 - Bogus
839 - Bogus Kitty
840 - Bohboh
841 - Bohemian
842 - Bohumil
843 - Boi
844 - Boiler (after the Purdue Boilermakers football team)
845 - Boingo
846 - Boise
847 - Bojangles
848 - Bojo
849 - Bolero
850 - Boll Weevil
851 - Bolla
852 - Bologna
853 - Bomart
854 - Bomba
855 - Bombalurina (From "CATS")
856 - Bombastic
857 - Bomber
858 - Bombshell
859 - Bon Bon
860 - Bonanza
861 - Bonbon
862 - Bond
863 - Bond, James Bond
864 - Bondi
865 - Bondo
866 - Bone
867 - BoneCrusher
868 - BoneHead
869 - Bonehead
870 - Boneless
871 - Bones
872 - Bones (after doctor in "Star Trek")
873 - Boneta
874 - Boney Butt
875 - Bonfire
876 - Bong
877 - Bongie
878 - Bongo
879 - Bonita
880 - Bonkers
881 - Bonkers Justice
882 - Bonnie
883 - Bonnie And Clyde
884 - Bonnie Blue
885 - Bonnie Mewman
886 - Bonny/Bonnie
887 - Bono
888 - Bonquers
889 - Bonsai
890 - Bonstance
891 - Bonstancia
892 - Bony
893 - Bonz
894 - Bonza
895 - Bonzai
896 - Bonzo
897 - Bonzo Jolson
898 - Boo
899 - Boo Bear
900 - Boo Boo
901 - Boo Boo Kitty
902 - Boo Boo Magoo
903 - Boo Boo Tannenbaum (after a J.D. Salinger character)
904 - Boo Kitty
905 - Boo-bear
906 - Boo-Boo
907 - Boo-Boo Kitty
908 - Boo-ful (as in "beautiful")
909 - Boo-kitty
910 - Boo-pish
911 - Boo-Who?
912 - Boober
913 - BooBoo
914 - Boobool
915 - Boochie
916 - Boodle
917 - Boodle-Loaf
918 - Boodle-Ookins
919 - Boodles
920 - Boofer
921 - Boog
922 - Boog-Boogs
923 - Booga
924 - Boogaboo
925 - Boogee
926 - Booger
927 - Booger Buddy
928 - Booger Butt
929 - Booger Nose
930 - Boogety
931 - Boogie
932 - Boogie Boy
933 - Boogie Cat
934 - Boogie Oogie Oogie
935 - Boogie the Woo
936 - Boogie-Woogie
937 - Boogster
938 - Book'em Dano
939 - Booker
940 - Booker T (and the M-Gees)
941 - Bookie
942 - Books
943 - Bookums
944 - Boolee
945 - Boom-Boom
946 - Boom-Boom Bubbles
947 - Boomer
948 - Boomerang
949 - Boomey-butt
950 - Boomley
951 - Booms
952 - Boone
953 - Boopsie
954 - Booters
955 - Bootes
956 - Booties
957 - Boots
958 - Bootsie (Collins Pussycat)
959 - Bootsy
960 - Booty
961 - Bootz
962 - Booze
963 - Boozer
964 - Bopper
965 - Bopper Stopper
966 - Boppy
967 - Bor
968 - Bora
969 - Borboleta (Portuguese for "butterfly")
970 - Border
971 - Borg
972 - Boris
973 - Boris And Natasha
974 - Boris Baryshnakat
975 - Borris
976 - Borscht
977 - Bosch
978 - Bosco
979 - Boscovich
980 - Bosley
981 - Boss
982 - Bossman
983 - Bossy
984 - Boston
985 - Botan
986 - Bote
987 - Botelli
988 - Botham
989 - Botitas
990 - Botswana
991 - Boubie Or Bouba
992 - Bouboule
993 - Boucane
994 - Boudicca
995 - Bouffant
996 - Bougainvillea
997 - Bouggie
998 - Bounce
999 - Bouncer
1000 - Bounty
1001 - Bounty Hunter
1002 - Bouquet
1003 - Bourbon
1004 - Bourbon Street Cat
1005 - Bovine
1006 - Bow Cat
1007 - Bowie
1008 - Bowie (after David Bowie)
1009 - Bowie David Liberace
1010 - Bowser
1011 - BowTie
1012 - Boxcar Willie
1013 - Boxer
1014 - Boy
1015 - Boy Cat
1016 - Boy Catte
1017 - Boy-Ing-Goh
1018 - Boyfriend
1019 - Boyka
1020 - Boykitty
1021 - Boynton (cartoon character by Sandra Boynton)
1022 - Boysie (after the character in sitcom 'Only Fools and
1023 - Boz
1024 - Bozo
1025 - Brad
1026 - Bradleigh
1027 - Bradley
1028 - Bradstreet
1029 - Brady
1030 - Brahms
1031 - Brain
1032 - Brainchild
1033 - Braindead
1034 - Brainiac
1035 - Brains
1036 - Braley
1037 - Bramble
1038 - Bramwell
1039 - Brandi
1040 - Brando
1041 - Brandy
1042 - Brandywine
1043 - Branford
1044 - Brassy
1045 - Brat
1046 - Bratcat
1047 - Bratchild
1048 - Bratikins
1049 - Bratwurst
1050 - Brau
1051 - Brave One
1052 - Bravo
1053 - Brawler
1054 - Brayden
1055 - Brea
1056 - Brea (bray-uh)
1057 - Breakfast
1058 - Breanne
1059 - Breathless Mahoney
1060 - Breezer
1061 - Breezy
1062 - Breezy Kitty
1063 - Bremen
1064 - Brenda
1065 - Brenda Lee
1066 - Brenda Starr
1067 - Brendan
1068 - Brendon
1069 - Brenna
1070 - Brenzev
1071 - Bret
1072 - Brett
1073 - Brew
1074 - Brewski
1075 - Brewskie
1076 - Brewsky
1077 - Brewster
1078 - Brezhnev
1079 - Brezzers
1080 - Brian
1081 - Brianna
1082 - Briar
1083 - Brick
1084 - Bridge O Rama
1085 - Bridger
1086 - Bridget
1087 - Bridget-Titania
1088 - Brie
1089 - Brier
1090 - Brier Rose
1091 - Brigand
1092 - Bright
1093 - Bright Eyes
1094 - Brightness
1095 - BrightSpot
1096 - Brill
1097 - Brilla
1098 - Brilla-Cat
1099 - Brillabrillabrilla
1100 - Brillo
1101 - Brina
1102 - Brindi
1103 - Brindle
1104 - Briney Deep
1105 - Brinley
1106 - Brioche
1107 - Brioni
1108 - Bristol
1109 - Brit
1110 - Brita
1111 - Britches
1112 - Brittany
1113 - Brittany Jane
1114 - Bro
1115 - Broadway
1116 - Brockie
1117 - Brody
1118 - Broken Bonz
1119 - Broken Tail
1120 - Bronco
1121 - Bronson
1122 - Bronson (Then Came Bronson)
1123 - Brontë
1124 - Bronwen-Penarddym
1125 - Brooke
1126 - Brooklyn
1127 - Brooks
1128 - Broom Hilda
1129 - Broom Hylda
1130 - Broomsticks
1131 - Broshka
1132 - Brouhaha
1133 - Brown
1134 - Brown Sugar
1135 - Brownie
1136 - Browser
1137 - Brrrdie
1138 - Bruce
1139 - Bruin
1140 - Bruiser
1141 - Brunhilda
1142 - Brunhilde
1143 - Bruno
1144 - Bruschi (after Tedy Bruschi of the New England Patriots)
1145 - Brute
1146 - Brutis
1147 - Brutus
1148 - Bryce Lynch
1149 - Bub
1150 - Buba
1151 - Bubastis
1152 - Bubba
1153 - Bubba Gump
1154 - Bubba Jr.
1155 - Bubba, Jr.
1156 - Bubbalouis
1157 - Bubbie
1158 - Bubble
1159 - Bubble Butt
1160 - Bubbles
1161 - Bubby Benjamin
1162 - Bubi
1163 - Bubster
1164 - Bubsy Bobcat
1165 - BuBu
1166 - Buca
1167 - Buccaneer
1168 - Bucci
1169 - Buck
1170 - Buckaroo
1171 - Buckaroo Banzai (after the movie)
1172 - Bucket
1173 - Buckeye
1174 - Buckhead
1175 - Buckingham
1176 - Buckminster
1177 - Bucko
1178 - Buckshot
1179 - Buckwheat
1180 - Bucky
1181 - Buco
1182 - Bud
1183 - Bud Lite
1184 - Bud-wiser
1185 - Budabut
1186 - Budd
1187 - Buddette (a female Buddy)
1188 - Buddha
1189 - Buddutyheado
1190 - Buddy
1191 - Buddy Boy
1192 - Buddy Cat
1193 - Buddy Gecko
1194 - Buderskottch
1195 - Budha
1196 - Budmeister
1197 - Budroe
1198 - Budrow
1199 - Budster
1200 - Budweiser
1201 - Buff
1202 - Buffalo Bill
1203 - Buffie
1204 - Buffington
1205 - Buffoon
1206 - Buffy
1207 - Buffy the Mouse Slayer
1208 - Buford
1209 - Bug
1210 - Bug Guy
1211 - Buger
1212 - Bugger-Because
1213 - Buggles
1214 - Buginarug
1215 - Bugle Boy
1216 - Buglet
1217 - Bugnose
1218 - Bugs
1219 - Bugsy
1220 - Bugtussie
1221 - Buick
1222 - Bull
1223 - Bull Rafferty
1224 - Bullcat
1225 - Bullet
1226 - Bullface
1227 - Bullion
1228 - Bulls
1229 - Bullseye
1230 - Bullwinkle
1231 - Bully
1232 - Bum
1233 - Bumba
1234 - Bumble
1235 - Bumblebee Tuna
1236 - Bumblemuffin
1237 - Bumbles
1238 - Bumbo
1239 - Bump
1240 - Bumper
1241 - Bumpkin
1242 - Bumps
1243 - Bundle
1244 - Bundle'o'love
1245 - Bundy
1246 - Bungee-Punjab
1247 - Bungie
1248 - Bungle
1249 - Bungy
1250 - Bunifa
1251 - Bunji Fujimoto
1252 - Bunk
1253 - Bunkie
1254 - Bunksters
1255 - Bunky
1256 - Bunni
1257 - Bunny
1258 - Bunny Butt
1259 - Bunsen
1260 - Bunter
1261 - Bunty
1262 - Burger
1263 - Burger Butt
1264 - Burgermeister
1265 - Burglar
1266 - Burgundy
1267 - Burl
1268 - Burlap
1269 - Burlington
1270 - Burly
1271 - Burma
1272 - Burp
1273 - Burrito
1274 - Burroughs
1275 - Burt
1276 - Burton
1277 - Busby
1278 - Bushcat
1279 - Bushige (Siouan (Hidatsa dialect) for "cat")
1280 - Bussetta
1281 - Bussy
1282 - Buster
1283 - Buster Buster Feather Duster
1284 - Buster Crab
1285 - Buster Crabbe
1286 - Buster Kitten
1287 - Bustopher Jones
1288 - Butch
1289 - Butch Catsidy
1290 - Buter
1291 - Buterscotch
1292 - Buteska
1293 - Butkus
1294 - Butler
1295 - Butt
1296 - Butt Nimbus Wacket
1297 - Butter
1298 - Butterball
1299 - Butterbean
1300 - Butterbutt
1301 - Buttercup
1302 - Butterfinger
1303 - Butterfingers
1304 - Buttermilk
1305 - Butternut
1306 - Butters (after the character in the "South Park"
1307 - Butters (from the cartoon "SouthPark")
1308 - Butterscotch
1309 - Buttersnap
1310 - Butterworth
1311 - Butthead
1312 - Button
1313 - Buttons
1314 - Buttooskie
1315 - Butts
1316 - Buyo
1317 - Buzby
1318 - Buzlingtonian Gingerbits
1319 - Buzz
1320 - Buzz Balls
1321 - Buzz Lightyear
1322 - Buzzard
1323 - Buzzy
1324 - Byron (after Lord Byron)
1325 - Byte
1326 - Bytops
1327 - BZBug |